Who gets Vit 12 B injections instead of tabs?
Hi Susu Kae,
I for one, do not get the shots. I take the B-Complex Sub-linquil liquid made by Spring Valley, sold at Walmart. On my last two blood work ups my B12 amounts showed HIGH!! So my surgeon told me to cut the dosage in half, and it seems to work great!
Best of luck...oh, the Spring Valley cost around 6.00 and last maybe 2 months???

Hey Susan. I do get the shots & they are not bad at all. I hate taking pills & to have to remember to take one more, no way. I was getting 1 shot a month & I was staying tired & getting dizzy. My doc up it to 2 a month & I have felt fantastic ever since. I absolutely hate needles, but it is so easy to get a shot every other week & be done with it. My mom gives them to me & I don't know what I would do if something happened to her. I can't imagine giving them to myself, but would if I had no other choice!LOL
Most of the time I don't really even feel it when she gives me the shot. But once in a while I do feel it and sometimes it may burn when she injects the medicine. But even then, it's not bad.

I used to get the B-12 shots when I was pregnant. (Something about having to change the vitamins and then I didn't get enough B-12). The shots were not bad at all, and I'm terrified of shots. I will not do them myself, or allow family to do it. If I had a choice, I'd have Dr do it all the time. I usually forget to take my vitamins (BAD) so at least that way I knew the B-12 was covered. In fact, I could probably use it now...
Hi Melissa,
I found this on the internet. http://wzus.ask.com/r?t=p&d=us&s=a&c=a&l=dir&o=0&sv=0a300510&ip=d193c015&id=CA04928B15E94B8E45C6F3DB26D84CFC&q=How+can+I+remove+ink+from+leather%3F&p=1&qs=0&ac=25&g=4c51BLiBwZ0%Hi&en=te&io=5&ep=&eo=&b=alg&bc=&br=&tp=d&ec=10&pt=Removing%20Ink%20from%20Leather&ex=&url=&u=http://www.iilg.org/lkb/articles/faq289.html
You can also go to ask.com and find mostly any thing.
I hope it will help you. Good luck and give that baby a kiss, they grow up so fast. Have a good day.
Debra D
From my experience from operating a day care at our high school, I have the following suggestions.
1. Have special crayons and markers (both washable) located in a "special place"--- ART CENTER--- where the child can experiment.
2. Have a designated time for art activities or day of the week.
3. Have art supplies on hand in the ART CENTER - such as newspapers, sales papers, cardboard, paper towel rolls, sponges, and washable paint and playdough,
4. Childproof your home by keeping ink and such out of reach.
5. Teach them about money by setting up a pretend STORE. Use play money.
6. go the www.hummingbirded.com for some fun activities.
hey try one of those mr clean magic erasers. i use it for everything and if that doesnt work call a car wash and ask them what they use bc ive had my little one write on my leather car seats and they got it out. i love those magic erasers they will get anything off of a wall but not sure about leather but worth a shot.
I got my shot yesterday and it definitely wasn't bad at all, barely felt it. I think I may continue this route....depends on if/ how much insurance pays on it. The charge was $39 although they didn't make me pay anything, waiting to see about ins.
How do you get it for someone else to give it? I'm a nurse and although i don't want to give it to myself, someone at work could do it.