I have cancer!
Oh Sweet Carly,
I am so sad to hear this...but as I type this, I am sending up prayers for you and positive thoughts your way.
I know that Clytie had to have throid surgery, maybe Rita, and for sure, Linda Haas, she had cancer and is still having some problems.
I pray that yours has been found in time so they can take care of it and be done with it. Please try to lift this up to God and let Him handle it. I know it is hard, but you have us all thinking of you and sending up prayers for you. And prayers are true miracle makers!
I hope you will still come on Monday...we will all give you hugs of love and postive engergies!
Let me know if you ever just want to talk and I will send you my number. I can not relate to having had this trouble before, but I am a good listener and have a sturdy shoulder for you to cry on.
to you!

Hey Carly...
Take a deep breath. I have had thyroid cancer 2 years ago and its just now come back. I can tell you all about it. First you need to know what KIND of cancer it is. Is it Papillary?? Thats what mine is. Im undergoing treatments for mine now. You are welcome to email me privately and I can give you my phone number. You need to talk to someone who knows about it. SEnd me an email, OK, honey?? Its a long scarey journey!!!! But..you just have to put it all in the Lords hands and he will take care of you. I will say a prayer for you!!! I'll be looking for you email !!!
Thank you all so much for your kind words and well wishes! I hated to put something that heavy out here on the board but knew you guys would be supportive as always. I can't wait to see everyone at the Gastonia Meeting. Also hate that some of you on the board are too far away to come. Thanks again for the encouragement. I know God will see me through this, as he's done in everything else.