What do you guys take for constipation?
Hey Sandi!
When I first asked this question, Nita was still with Dr. M., and she said the only think we could or should take is Milk of Magnesium
, this stuff is so nasty! You may want to call and talk to someone at his office and see what they say, and in the meantime, I will pull a quick one and see what Michael's docotor's office (Dr. Bauman) says....they are all different, yet we all had the same procedure. The main thing is they don't want you to use something too harsh!
I will let you know if I can find something out for you!

Hey Sandi~
What I have heard from the more seasoned WLS patients is to add flax seed to your diet. My Doc also said it's all right to take Colace or Metamucil capsules. Our bowels to not have as much elasticity as our body does when we are loosing weight--so it often leads to this common, unwanted problem!
Hope that helps!