It is a heel spur:
I'm so sad...I do have a heel spur, except it's worse, its on the back of my heel, about a 1/4" long, really bad. I've been grounded from walking for one week, to use ice, and no more tennis. I can start walking again in one week, no hills or extreams, light streching until I loose most of my weight hopefully. But I have to be careful, then I get to have surgery. Booooooo..........8 weeks in a cast, crutches only, then 2 weeks in a boot....So lucky me, ya'll please pray for me to get this last 60 lbs off before I split my tendon......and that I don't do anything else to injure myself...

Hey Sandi!
So sorry to hear you have a heel spur. I have one also, but mine apparently is not as bad as yours. It does not bother me hardly any since I have dropped down in weight.
I am lifting you up in prayer for this to heal, and I pray that you will be able to drop weight before surgery, however, don't be too discouraged, just over 2 years ago, I broke my ankle in 3 places and dislocated it...could not put any weight at all on it for 8 weeks...and I actually lost weight. My dear hubby cooked for me the whole time and made healthy tell Dollie to be prepared to cook healthy meals for you too!
Take care of yourself!

Tight Tight hugs.................
I know what you are going through since I have three broken bones in my left foot I have been wearing the special sandal and a special padding bandage they made to keep the weight off that part of the foot.
I have been battling the terrible flu this week. It has been hell........ I may be giving in and calling the doctor today. I am coughing way too bad even with two breathing treatments. So I have spent four days in my bed isolated from my family upstairs. (NOT FUN)
Maureen I agree with what Nancy said I had the pain you are talking about and they told me it was from the cut of muscles. That is what my surgeon told me.......
It will go away in time. If you are still worried about it by all means call your surgeon.
I wish everyone the best.............