Hello friends, i am 2 weeks post op and i just started pureed food today. i had some mashed potatoes, and some yogurt, and i still dont feel full. i wasnt feeling full when i was on just the liquids and i dont feel full now. my doc said i would start to feel full, but when? i stop after about 5 bites cause im plain scared that the five is just too much. im not hungry, ever but i know i need to eat. this is like being a baby and learning all over so i need some tips. thanks adrienne
Hi Adrienne, my nutritionist always told me to NOT to try to eat until I felt full, because I would be eating too much. At the beginning when I was allowed to have soft solids, I was allowed 2 oz at one time. Use a 1/4 measuring cup, 1/8 is 1 oz and when you go to three you can measure that way. She told me ALWAYS measure your food, and you'll know you're eating the right amount. Whatever your surgeon/nutritionist has told you ouncewise, you should measure, then you know you're right. Eating too much too often can and will stretch your pouch. I am 1 1/2 years out and still measure a lot of stuff, some things, like protein bars and such the ounces are on the package. Hope this helps! Good luck
Hi Adrienne
You have just been through major surgery and your intestines and stomach are still a bit swollen. Also, when they transected your pouch nerve endings were cut. It does take some time for these to grow back and let you know when you are full. Do like the others say and measure like your surgeon and nutritionist told you. They have been successful before and will be again.
I also have another way to tell when I have eaten enough, but don't feel quite full. It is weird, but I have seen others post about this as well. It doesn't happen to everyone, but pay attention to yourself and see if you are one of these people. Right before I get full my nose starts to run. I have to wipe it with a napkin. It sounds weird, but it is true. It doesn't matter if I'm eating something hot or cold. It just happens.