How to stay upbeat while waiting....

on 3/26/06 11:34 pm - Albemarle, NC
I need to know how to stay upbeat about having this surgery but having to wait forever for insurance etc to get in line. Im hoping against hope that I will be able to get this done sometime in late April. I know thats just probably a pipe dream but oh well. Most likely it will be in late August, after Ive done the six months supervised diet thing. Ive got my appointments all set up and have already seen the nutritionist. My appointment with my PCP is today. The exercise appointment is tommorrow and the psych eval is in early April. My appointment with Dr V is on April 17th. I was wondering how to find all the protein drinks and such because Food Lion and Wal Mart were very limited in their selection. A little looking around at GNC and I found everything I would possibly need there. Im pushing so hard to get this done. Sometimes I have a little doubt about it and wonder if I really want to do this but then I think hell yes I want it done. If I knew an exact date I could at least count em down but right now I can only say some time in August if Im lucky and if not then, maybe even September. How do you stay upbeat about this? How do you cool your heels so to speak when youre so worked upo over having this?
on 3/27/06 9:40 am - Jacksonville, NC
There is no easy answer except to say you must hang in there. Almost everyone (except a few very forunate) go through the same struggle you are going through. I know that doesn't help, but that is the way it is. I am having surgery next tuesday 4th april and I had the same hopes you did, I wanted my surgery to be before the end of 2005....oh well, just TRY to stay positive....I will tell you that you will probably have a lot of highs and lows but just stay strong and know that the end result will be worth all the waiting. Oh, also, reading the messageboards really helped me...this place is great. Diane
on 3/27/06 1:30 pm - Charlotte, NC
Hello RM!! Gosh if I didn't know any better, I would have thought I had an out of body experience and wrote that same thing. I am not a patient person. I have all my appointments finished and still have paperwork to turn in. Now they want my weight history for the last 5 years. So... I will call dr. tomorrow and let them know. Then the dr has to read everything and then the ins. lady at the dr. office has to send it in. She said once that happens it would be 30 days to hear from them. Then of course I will have to wait for an appointment with the dr. *sigh* I hate the wait. Anyway, I am trying to get the kitchen stocked up with things I know I will need right after the surgery. Samples,broth,cream soup,etc. Haven't sampled anything as I know my tastes will change. Anyway I read these posts and think of the things I will be able to do with my Grandkids and so forth. Hope you have a great day! Pam
on 3/28/06 3:40 am - Asheville, NC
Hi RM, I completely understand where you're coming from.. I started this process last May and was trying to get it all done by the end of 2005 because I had met my huge out of pocket deductible (sp), but as hard as I pushed,and as many hoops as I jumped thru. it just didn't happen. I found out yesterday that my lap band surgery is scheduled for May 1st. A friend told me, "Be careful what you ask for--you just might get it". As overjoyed as I am, I'm having panic attacks too. Really scared--but not scared enough to back out. All I have to do is look in the mirror to have my resolve strengthened. Now in answer to your question...just keep your eye on your goal. Time will pass and before you know it--you'll have your surgery date and be having panic attacks too!! LOL. There's nothing you can do to speed it up, so just enjoy the process and use the time to learn as much as you can about the surgery and life after you become a big loser!! I know you're anxious to get it done. So am I and I agree, it takes way too long from start to finish. Anyway, good luck to you ---let me know how you're doing. Vicki
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