Good Morning...........
Wake up all you sleepy heads.......... Time to rise and shine......
I had a wonderful weekend.....I went shopping as well my issue was I needed some shirts and new bras........ A friend of mine and I ended up down at Atlantic Beach at hightlights. They really had some cute things.
I ended up getting some really nice and oh I will use the word "sexy" things. I modeled what I bought in front of hubby last night and omggggggg he was beyond himself. My daughter had doubts that this one shirt that is really cute would fit but when I put it on her jaw dropped. I was doing the happy dance around the house most indeed.
I can wear a large yes a largeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.........
I still will wear a light sweater or dress jacket over sleeveless things due to me feeling self conscious over my arms.But all in all I am pleased with what I have accomplished........
I will have to post some pics up to show everyone soon......
Everyone have a great day.......