Fitness Planet??
Anyone in Gastonia work out at Fitness Planet? I have been going to Curves and love it but would like to try Fitness Planet. Does anyone know if they offer a courtesy pass and what all exercise equipment they have?
Thanks for your help. Would love to join someone that goes there to give it a try.
Ready to start a new week, just go thru threadmill and ab curls, go to see Dr Melkonian and get Lab results this AM. Wishing everyone a blessed week. I had a fabulous weekend, hope you all did too.
GOD is good all the time and ALL the time GOD is Good!

Hi Clytie. I've never worked out at Planet Fitness, but I have been there with some friends before. Personally, I would not enjoy it there. Most of the people that go there are young, buff athletes. There equipment is good, but I wasn't compfortable being there, and I wasn't even working out. If you don't mind exercising with tons of people all together you probably would enjoy it. I liked the YMCA much better. It has a really good mix of people, young to old, fit to not so fit. I have never felt out of place there. They also have a room upstairs with a trainer that you can go to for free for like six weeks or something to learn what you need to do for your body (atleast they did several years ago). Hope this helps!