anybody else?
i remember food dreams!!! i dreamed that i would eat a ton and then remember that i had the surgery!!! the food dreams will slowly go away!!! i promise all that gets easier!
i keep dreaming that i'm huge again!!! i still want to lose 36 pounds...but am obviously much happier with my size now than before. every once in a while i look at myself and see my old body....ok....about every other day i see my old body...i didn't really see my new body until i took some naked shots to compare to my old ones the other day....i look different in pictures than in the mirror. but now i'm dreaming that i'm that fat person again. i wonder how long my head will play tricks on myself...i'm sort of guessing forever!!!! oh well...just part of the obesity disease i think!!! hope you are doing well postop!!!
hi, im not having fat dreams either, just food dreams and a cry once and a while. its been sooo hard. one more day and i will be on puree. hey that rhymes. lol im so surprised that you, jamey are on puree so early. i wish my doc let me.
how do you like those isopure juices? are they better than the powder? a little atleast? adrienne

oh it gets easier!!! i'm sorry you are feeling like crying. you're body is going through alot of adjustments right now....every day will get easier and easier and it is sooo worth it!!!! be tough!!!!!! just remember why you are doing all this and time flies!!! it has been almost 8 months for me!!!keep us updated!!
I haven't been shirking long enough to have a fat dream I did get a double take when a cashier checked my id vs my face. The Id is 3 years old.
I dreamt of going to dinners everynight after my surgery. I dreamt about eating meatballs, after watching the wedding singer. Remember she pay's in meatballs.
Mentally liqiuds had me wiped out. I'm five weeks this wednesday so I'm eating more of a variety and I pick the food too death. I was already picky but now i gotta break it into pieces etc.
My frustration came from clothes shopping. I am gonna write a quick post about that.
at about 3 months i felt like i could eat normal...not big amounts...but that i could go out to eat and find something to eat. i've learned to avoid the things that make me sick....i avoid breads cause it makes me too full and hurt. shopping for clothing gets fun!!!!! but annoying cause you want to buy stuff tight so it will fit longer!!! it gets very expensive!! you're still in that time period when you're learning and you're body is changing so much..but time flies and you will be 8 months like me in a blink!!!! keep up the hard work! have a good nite