yard sales
I just found out I was officially approved yesterday, so this morning I went to yard sales looking for plus size stuff. Well I go yard saling a pretty good bit and never find cute plus size stuff it's usually moo moo type stuff if plus sized. Well, this morning their was a lady and all she had was plus size Lane Bryant stuff. I told her I was looking for multiple sizes because I had just been approved for gastric bypass. well, she had it a year ago and that's why all the big clothes!!!! She had my doc and everything so she hooked me up with lots of barely worn items totally my style for almost nothing!!!!! How lucky is that!!!! This is sooooo my lucky week!
You go Girl! Glad you got you some nice things,
know how you are with Lane Bryant
I sold all my real good cloths on EBay about a month ago, left me 2 dresses out, and a couple of pants and tops, then the rest of it I took to the Thrift store.
It's a good thing I kept those two dresses though, we had a funeral in the family a few weeks ago and I would have been in a mess.
So I won't have much to get rid of later.
I've been buying new things all along, some at thrift store and some new things to, I just bough an asortment of sizes, XL & L I wear a 2Xl now so I figured I'd be safe that away.
Take Care, I'll see you at ECU :haha;
Perry W,

Hi Perry
Well, the days are going by, aren't they? Clothes are such an exciting thing for all of us. I have refused to buy anything for at least 6 months (undies are begining to look pitiful) but once I started trying to get this surgery I said, no more table cloths with seams......I am SO>>>>>ready to shop....I am going to buy a gown and housecoat for the hosptial but That's it. I wish you and Lulu were scheduled the 3rd or 4th, we could just have "old home week" and walk those halls together, but at least we will all be on the losing side. I am so happy for all of us. We will have to have a 6 month out shopping spree................boy, could we melt some plastic lol