3 month Post-op update
I am sorry I haven't been on much lately but have been feeling really bad. I went through antibiotic pills, antibiotic liquid, and then finally antibiotic injections on Wed., Thurs., and Fri. to get rid of my sinus infection. In the process thrush developed because of all of the antibiotics. Taking all the antibiotics also tiggered diarrhea. I was unable to exercise and just felt overall crappy. I was feeling better Monday and went ahead and had blood drawn for my 3 month Post-op visit, but was still feeling drained. I wasn't supposed to see Dr. Lowe until next Wednesday 29th but got appointment moved up to today because my blood pressure was running low and the nurse thought I might have been dehydrated. I woke up this morning feeling much better. Dr. Lowe was very pleased with my progress. I have lost 90 lbs. and my blood work looked fantastic. I told him that the dietician had indicated that I might be eating too little and he said with the results, weightloss and blood work, not to change a thing. I did resume my walking today and I am hoping to make it to the YMCA for at least a light workout tomorrow.

Hey Jeff!
WOW...already down 90lbs...you go my friend! I am so happy for you
...sorry you have been so, so sick, but I am glad you are doing better now....just keep on doing what you are doing and keep healthy!
See you in April!
PS...Michael is doing pretty well...able to eat some now and doing better with fluids!

Hey Jeff
Congratulations on the good news from the doc and your weight loss. I'm so glad that you are a part of the Gastonia support group. You add a different and exciting perspective to our meetings. If it weren't for you and Michael I'd have to be the only male at the meetings.
Wait a minute....that might not be a bad thing.