Wow Moment!
I had a wow moment that maybe only a woman can understand. I went to Victoria Secrets and actually bought something. Before if I had walked in they would not even have given me the time of time, so I was really nervous, I still see the size I was the 100 lbs before the WLS. So I no more than get in the door and I hear someone say May I help you? I wanted to look around and realized she was addressing me
and then they proceeded to measure and give me things to try on and even tried to sell me other items in the store, it felt sooooooo good. You have to morgage the farm, but definately worth every penny.Just wanted to share. Life is good and GOD is the best, for allowing me to have this tool. I will never take it for granit and will always know that all "good" things come from Him!
Have a blessed day and I pray each one of YOU have a Wow moment today. I
each one of you!

That must have felt so wonderful clytie. congratulations on your wow moment. i guess yesterday i had a good wow moment too when i went to the doc for the first time after surgery and he said 25 lbs. gone for ever in a week and a 1/2. have a blessed day and i hope you have many more wow moments. adrienne
I LOVE WOW MOMENTS! I am so happy for you Clytie. I love getting to purchase new things to wear, although I've tried not to buy to many things. We don't get to wear them long do we. Underwear is something that we just have to have and it has to fit correctly or if your like me, it makes you uncomfortable all day. Have a blessed day! Love,

Congrats Clytie. I've never been able to fit in their stuff. Once I reach a weight where I can buy of the shelf instead of plus - I've got my eyes on some gap jeans. I've always been too big for their clothes, except for the men's tee shirts. I should here there soon, maybe we could go shopping together at victoria's? Ha....