Thank you for the prayers
Thank you all my angels on OH for the prayers, I truly believe that it was the prayers that kept me from having something very wrong with me. The ER doctor called it Gastrointestinal Inflamation. I still have some pain, but not like the other 48 hours. I have some good pain meds here to take, Thank you all for lifting me up to our PRECIOUS LORD HE is the healer of all. I love you all, I am going to take a pill and lay on the couch.
Talk later, Rita

Hey Sweetie!
I just posted on Angie's post that I would try to give you a call and check on you, but if you are going to lay down I will not bother you.
I am so thankful that things were not worse and I have had you in my thoughts and prayers since I saw the post last night. I pray God and His angels continue to surround you and put their healing touch to you. You have had a rough time lately and I want you to know I love you and am here for you.
Take care and feel better soon!