Boca products?
Hey Wendy, I've tried them and the black bean burgers. I think they are pretty good if you can handle meat well. I can only eat 1/2 of a patty. I handle them better than Chicken. I feel like I'm living on yogurt and cheese, protien bars. Have you tried the South Beach bars, they are good and only have 140 cal. 10 g or protein. If you find something else thats good, let me know...I'm struggling with protein too....

Hey Sweetie, how are you doing? Have you tried any of the protein bars? Pure Protein, carried at walmart kinda taste like a candy bar, but has about 20 grams of protein and only 170 or so calories, You could cut into small bites and nibble on thru out the day and that would give you 20 right there, also try the Hood Carb Control milk,, only 45 cal and 8 grams protein, put that with a good protein powder and there is another 30. I know that things are really hard to begin with but you are going to get to feeling better, I was having the same problems getting in protein to begin with and sometimes still do, you just gotta make a concience effort to make protein choices when you can eat. Also the Weigh****chers meals are good, I love the Southwestern Chicken, only 140 cal and 20 gram protien, my problem is that I only get in about 1/2 at a time,but seem to be doing great! I go to see Dr Melkonian Monday and will see what my blood work shows. Hang in there, better days are coming! You looked wonderful at the last meeting, I cannot wait until you feel as good.