Good morning everyone. Hope all is well! Thank goodness Rita didn't have a blockage or something bad serious. We still need to keep her in our prayers. This weather is unbelievable, but the Lord always knows what he is doing. We need the rain, even if we have to take the cold with it. It won't be long and warm weather will be here to stay. I spent last night cleaning out my closet again. First pretty Sat. we have I am going to have a "fat clothes" yard sale.
Take a minute and post.
Have a blessed Tuesday!!
Love to all. Angie

Hey, Angela! Already said my prayer today for Rita.
I've been boxing up my "fat clothes" and plan to try to sell some on E-bay. I had bought some there last year. Our neighborhood doesn't allow yard sales so I've got to come up with an alternative way to sell them.
I know we need this rain. I'm just glad that we don't have the ice and snow that the western counties are getting. Hopefully this is winter's last little jab before spring finally gets here.
I hope everyone has a great day!
0930? Is that all? I know that there is a nice plus size consignment store in Charlotte. Cant remember the name. It was in the paper right before my surgery and I was thinkng ...I 'll remember ...right LOL. I separated my pants before surgery and I have clothes right down to a pair of 14W.! dang. .. same routine--- jeans, dockers in navy and khacki in all sizes with a smattering of black and olive green slacks. Oh yeah. also capris and shorts in denim, khacki and green. Wont need clothes for a while. Just went from my 22w to my 20W this week end ( I call them wides.) have a great day all!!!
Good Morning Angie,
It is cold and raining but I'm still having a great day.....Hearing you guys talk about getting rid of your clothes makes me smile
because I got rid of all my clothes before surgery, just kept what I needed to get by. Now I've lost 39 lbs, and my pants are so baggy. I don't care..They are baggy. woo hoo.........I'll break down soon and buy something else, but for now I'm going to wear my baggy ones proudly.......Hope you all have a wonderful day.........

Hey Angie!
I too have had Rita in my thoughts and prayers today. I think I will give her a ring after while and see how she is feeling.
I hope all have a great day on they gray cold spring day, but God is good and given us a wonderful day, another day alive until we meet him in glory.
I have my "fat clothes" I am gathering up. I am going to post them in lots on ebay. I have some nice things and what I don't think will sell I will take to goodwill or see if others may want.
Have a very happy and blessed day!

Hey there Angie, this post is days late, but just wanted to respond to your post. Doesnt it feel wonderful to get rid of clothes because they are to big instead of to little? I have given away so many clothes and am about to do the same thing again, it is hard to decide what size to buy, I always try to buy tight, so I can get some wear out of them. I have not tried to sell any clothes yet, I just give them to others, I know that It always made me feel good to receive clothes (even though in the past, I was bigger and did not receive very many). I never want to have to wear those sizes again. With Gods guidance we will be successful in keepingn off this weight. To HIM be the glory, Great things he has done in all areas of my life. I give give him honor and glory!