YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE woooooooohoooooooo. I finally have a date
for April 10th. Its been along battle A year and finally its here I am so excited. Now I dont have to drive myself
over it anymore lol............. I am so happy I am in tears.... wow I cant believe it... anyhow I am outta here I just wanted to tell my OH friends the good news now I need to call my family. Pray for me.... I will post later BYE

Holly, I am so so so so happy to hear the wonderful news.
I am rooting for you when you go into the hospital and will be beside you when you wake up. I will be your phone budy when you need to talk and I will be your angel when you can't. you deserve this so much. I know all the waiting you did made you feel sooooo
but i know and you know its well worth the wait. CONGRATULATIONS. adrienne

Adrienne, Ty so much for being a friend thru all of this and I know you will be there if not physically you will be there mind wise and thats all that counts. Seeing how well you have done has made it so much easier for me. I only hope that I do half as well as you did.... U go Girl !!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT SOON I WILL BE A BIG LOOSER WOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..