What am I going through?
Guys it is me again and my emotions the past couple of weeks are crazy. I seem to be arguing with my boyfriend everyday and I have thought about moving me and kids this week before my surgery. To be honest my liquid diet has not been going so great and I have surgery Thursday.I don't know what is going to happen. Do I postpone my surgery? I have tried to talk to him.I don't know right now guys. I am alone in the dumps tonight guys.He doesn't like the fact that I stay on the computer all the time on this website. My nerves are so bad right now I could scream and everyone around me does not seem to notice.
I know tomorrow will probably be diffrent .But tonight, right now I just don't know what to do or where to start. Help!

For me it was like when I stopped smoking (almost 20 years ago.) Man was I ill. Dont make any rash decisions right now. Call the psychologist and see if you can get in pre op. You know also when you have your surgery, you have in a sort reshuffled the deck.Assuming he's a nice guy, Maybe he's afraid you you wont feel the same about him when you are thin. Good luck.
Thank you for responding back Gail. I don't know what his problem is right now. He doesn't open up like he used to. I want his support, need his support but I know I got to be supportive of myself first. I will try to pull it together for surgery Thursday. Just nervous and stressed. Thanks again.

Sorry your going through this. I know he's probably scared and doesn't want to admit it. My husband was very scared. I'm almost 1 month post op. Don't make any decisions. YOur having surgery Thursday - do not postpone your surgery. You have four days to get through. BEtween stress and prep time your week is going to go quickly.
I was very stressed before surgery and felt wonderful afterwards. You are doing this for you and must put yourself first in this journey. I know pre op I was running and running. Post op I was reading magazines, watching tv, and playing gameboy. Take it one day at a time.
Everything is worth working through, just give it time. My surgery has given me patience. I have had to relearn how to eat and drink again.
I'm an impatient person and this surgery has given me patients. This is a wonderful gift to yourself and your family.... Keep smiling.
Thank you so much Jennifer for that. You are so right. I am very stressed and scared right now.I feel like I am rushing to get everything in order from the house to the kids. I hope that he is just scared because I don't want to leave him. I want his attention and support. Love you so much for your support tonight. Take care of yourself and I will keep smiling.