OK! The responses were so sloooooooooooooooow coming in I was nervous as heck the whole event would be a wa****hen the skies parted - spring fever lifted and the reservation forms have literally been flooding in over the past few days! We are now at FIFTY strong - and growing! And YES, dude to popular demand I was able to extend the reservation deadline to FRIDAY - JUNE 18TH AT 12 NOON! After that date I will not be able to take any more reservations because of deadlines with the Tour Company and the hotel food & beverage department planning the event menus - so please don't hold back thinking there will be any further deadline extensions!!! If you still don't know about the event - see below, THEN contact David ([email protected]) OR Natalie ([email protected]) and ask for a reservation form!!! HURRY!!!!!!
Boogie & Splash! Itinerary
FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2006
Sweet Virginia Breeze Event
7-8 PM - Hor D'oerves/Cash Bar - Mezzanine
8-11 PM - Caribbean Themed Evening
11 PM - 2 AM- Hospitality Suite Hours
9 AM - 12:30 PM - WLS EXPO & Round Tables
1 - 4 PM - "River City Revealed"
Guided Richmond Tours
(Box Lunches Served on Motor coaches)
6 - 10 PM - Boogie & Splash Pool Party Cookout / Cash Bar
10 PM - 2 AM - WLS Friends PJ Party - (Hospitality Ste.)
SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 2006
10 AM - 12 PM: "Aloha!" Breakfast
Hey David!
I am on this board too since we will be moving down here. That is the weekend my husband is leaving for NC to start his new job on Monday. Being stuck in a lease really sucks. SO will be a happy/sad weekend. Also it will be my birthday and I have to say goodbye all the way around. I hope to have a great time anyway. Sounds like a great great event!