A me update:
Hi Everyone,
I'm still here and kicking. I'm about to go crazy, as you all know I had foot surgery. It was my right foot so I can't drive, I can't put any weight on it at all, I can't do the crutches well, I fall alot, and I do mean alot, I've fallen at least 7 times, 3 pretty bad. So I now use a wheel chair to get around in. I'm bored and lonely and totally going crazy. I've watched tv until I'm crazy, I'm up very late and sleep most of the morning, then take a nap. But I'm happy to report that I'm down 65 lbs. since surgery in Feb 06. I'm able to keep most foods down, except meat, which I really try not to eat anymore. I do feel good, I can't wait for the next 2 weeks to be up. My cast comes off then..Wooo Hoooo....
Well I just wanted to check in and let everyone know that I read the board everyday, I try to post, but some days since this surgery I've been too depressed to say much...Feel free to email me any time...I'm here.....Good Luck to you all...Have a great week...

I hope your foot gets better soon. I think I would die if I couldn't drive. I don't have anyone to take me anywhere. I drove myself home from the hospital 45 min. Away. Some time ya gotta do what ya gotta do!!!!!!!!! I know it gets so lonely just looking at the same walls all day. That is why I am glad I have a job. That way I can see people and talk. Get well soon. God bless.