Gastonia Support Meeting
The next Gastonia Support Meeting will be scheduled for 6/5..our normal June Meeting. I had several people express interest in meeting at a later date in May, however I will not be able to get things together in time and it would run too close to the 6/5 meeting, so our next meeting will be on Monday 6/5. I will post additional information as the time gets closer.
Hope you are all well.

Hi... I am planning on being there.
As far as me, I'm just up to my eyeballs (actually, closer to the eyeballs of a 6 ft tall friend!) in test prep, end of the year schoolwork, paperwork....... well, you get the picture. I feel very out of touch.
I'm going to make some cookies or coffee cake and bring it to the firemen who are so kind to let us use their nice building.
See you in two weeks!
Hey everyone I am new to all this Havent had surgery yet but have been going through all the nessarry things that must be done, I go on the 15th of june to see doctor vollinger.. hope to get to meet some of you soon. Dont know if i can make it to the meeting this time due to husband working and I dont drive anymore WOW that sounds wierd a 35 year old that dont drive LOL anyway I have lots and Lots of ?'s so please if anyone can help I sure can use it you can reach me at either [email protected] or my home number is 704-739-4632 cell number 704-235-8489 hope to meet you all soon Angela