Good Morning, Hump Day-Roll Call
Happy hump day to everyone....I'm trying to get the jump on Angie this morning...Good morning Angie.....
I guess everyone knows that I've been sick and I've had foot surgery....and I'm a clutz on the crutches...Well I went to the Dr. yesterday, did too much, I was so tired...That I was trying to get through the front door with my stupid crutches, and fell flat on my face...It hurt so bad, I was so tired and I couldn't get up, my sister and brother n law had to wait awhile for me to stop pity crying before I could get up.....I'm ok now, I'm actually going to my daughters house for a few days so I don't do any more damage to myself...
But on a good note. I was weighed at the Dr. Office and I'm down to 175 lbs. that makes a total of 64 lbs since 2/7/06. Five more lbs and I'm just going to be over weight....Woo Hoooooo.....
Please have a good day, and you all take care, and you all say a prayer that I don't fall any more.......

Oh no Sandi,
you poor girl, please take care of yourself, I have been in your shoes, foot surgery is terrible, I had a ankle fussion three years ago and it was the most pain I have ever felt. Hopefully you can lay back and let the daughter take care of you for a few days.
I saw Pat Holt at the hospital yesterday, she is doing wonderful and looked great. She is in hopes of coming home today, and start her journey, everyone please say a prayer for Pat.
Heading to Flordia at noon today YEA!!!!!! and the scales moved this morning FINALLY.
down 63 pounds and learning how to use the tool given by Dr Melkonian .
Have a super great day Family
HA! You did beat me. I am just now getting to get on board. Its been busy this morning at work. I will be glad when you can give the crutches up. You do need to prob. stay w/ your daughter and resttttttttt!!!. Congradulations
on the wt loss. You will be skinny minnie before you know it. I would love to weigh 175!! and be happy that I was that size. Keep up the good work. Love, Angie