catinthefiddle’s Posts
Reading some of your posts , most of you are doing good. Keep up the good work .

I have been so sick , I could not have used the computer , or talked on the phone . My strength was completely gone & I lost all my desire to use it. I think last week I started using this once in a while .
I was in the hopital for over a month , & I have have been home for 3 weeks . I still have 2 pumps in my stomach , pumping out all the poison that I still have. When I had emergency surgery , the surgeon pumped out 6 liters of posion & I Have had pumps in since. I guess Dr,S punctured my bowel & the lining of the stomach .......while I was still in Bathurst after surgery, I had a temp & was severly dehydrated , they did bolus IV. So I was in there 3 days. From there on it got worse.
The surgeon told me it 50% chance that I would make it through. He told my DH that I prpbably would NOT make it through the night . So the family was called in . I lost several weeks , that I remember nothing.
Oh, the first thing the surgeon did was take the band out...........he told me that it had twisted as well.
So, I hope that this clears up some things .
Happy for you bansters that are doing good it !!!

I was very dehyrdated , my bp kept dropping . I had a temp . My liver did not shrink & Dr S said that the surgery was very hard on me. My life of obesity caused my liver to be the way it was. He did say it was all reversible. I don't know about the liver.
I have not been strong enough to use the computer until today .
I have a Dr app this afternoon with my own Dr. about my meds etc. I will be so glad when I am feeling better.
I am not eating much (drinking ) . No #2 Nothing to eat in the hospital. They would just pass me by. I only go****er when I had a pill to take. I told Dr. S 2times. I did get cranberry juice maybe 3or 4 times. My bed was terrible. Came home still can;t sleep because of my side & back pain. Yesterday I had a half cup of carrot soup , you buy it in the carton, they come in colors , it was very good. I was in a room with 2 men. I never got a bath in there . I hope there are better days ahead . I sound like a old nag ....but I feel that way.

It's 3 am and I woke up to go to the bathroom. Thought I would fire up the computer & see what was o n it . Thanks Casey for the kind words , I hope that your right , I just want it to be over ...the surgery part & the fast ing .Now to learn to eat all over again. That I can handle.
I will go back to bed for awhile , talk soon.Jessie

David is supposed to call Casey when my surgery is all done & She will let you all know that I have officially MOVED to the losers bench.
I am nervous , but will be worse tomorrow . I have a couple of ativan to take . I am glad that this part of it is almost over.
I better go & try to get some sleep . .....

Rachael , what do you find difficult about this stage ???

I am barely hanging but still hanging .

Today was my first day of purees and I only realised it before supper. You can imagine how happy I was when I was able to eat my puree!
Today was a cooking day since I thought that tomorrow was my first day of purees.
It was so good that Mike tasted it and said, mmmmmmm. So he had a cup too! and get this, used my baby spoon!!!! How cute!

Woo hooo here comes another one.
Yee- Haa ....4 more days to go on the fast. All in all it wasn't THAT bad. At first it looked impossible . I really never want to see Boost again after this is over. I am really craving for a cup of tea or coffee in the morning . It was one of our rituals. I will soon be able to have them again. Scared or anxious , don't know which I am .
Ann , how are making out , did you get a fill , or was that the problem ?

Yep ,4 nights then we go to Bathurst on the 13th again. I am supposed to call on the 13th to find out exactly what time the surgery is . Five days to go !!!

When I got there, another lady showed up & took my card etc. & took me to her office. She was the right one !!! Then she took me to another office to weigh me ,back to her org office. Measured my height , BP, temp ,O2 level. She went over EVERYTHING with me ,she was so thorough ,I couldn' t believe it . I don't think that she missed one thing . Very nice person. So when I was all done with her , I waited for the inestesist.
He was a joy to talk to , we got everything seen to , about drugs , what to take surgery morning . He checked my arm to see my veins. Said they were good (imagine that ) , I told him at the lab they can't find them , he said I can see a good one right there(inside elbow).
Now , I told him that I was a basket case before every surgery , I kinda begged him for some ativan . He said sure I could have it. So I got a script for 2!
The BEST thing that happened to me was HE DIDN'T have to do the gases....I really don't know what he said now . He may do them at the time of surgery . I won't feel it then...
I am finding this fasting , wearing thin !