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that is so amazing I am so happy for you!...I am waiting maybe mine is close!!! I am so excited for you all the very best.
yaaahooo glad you finally you got your date. they will give you a menu to fellow after your surgery so don't worry it's easy I made a spegetti sauce and puree it and you will learn what you can eat and what you can't eat you be on liquids for first couple of weeks then puree food for a couple then you can eat normal. made chili and shepard pie and can salmon that I puree.
I dont't have any suggestions for the meals, but Congrats on getting your date!! Good luck and keep us updated on your journey.
on 8/19/14 2:55 am - Oromocto, Canada
I just got my call from Moncton! My surgery is Sept 23rd. I feel kind of stunned. After waiting so long it is a little surreal and scary too! I am scared of what I will eat afterwards. I don't want anything to go wrong! Any meal suggestions??
I really dont know. I will know more when i go on august 28.
on 8/18/14 7:04 am - Oromocto, Canada
My referral went to Moncton in oct 2008. They say I should get my surgery sometime in the fall. Does dr boisvert have the whole team available to you like in Moncton? Ie the psychologist, the personal trainer, the nurse, the dietician? Have you heard anything about dr boisverts training? I wonder if he's had a lot of practice?
I saw on another post where someome had said they were so excited they felt like a kid at Christmas. That's what I feel like. I'm so ready to get this moving along so am hoping after the appt on the 28th that things don't stall.
I just been waiting for 1 1/2 years. My name is in bathurst also. Im so excited, i hope it will go fast.
Hi, yes, my appt is at 1:30 and she told me the same thing-- probably about 7 of us there. Have you been waiting a long time?
Rykat-- I have been on the waiting list for the Bathurst Dr for a # of years- 7 ish probably. Sometime last year, the Bathurst office asked me if it would be ok if they kept me on their list, but also added me to Dr. Boievert's list as well. I said sure so I havent been on Dr. Boievert's list long, but I have been on the waiting list a longggg time. Fredericton works out great for me as its must closer than Bathurt for travelling. Have you been on a list a long time?