Don't assume with your referral
I met with Boisvert on March 8th, and it was a good appointment. Tons of information, a lot of it spent going over the potential risks of surgery. I'm still going through with it. To me, potential risks outweigh the inevitable outcome if I keep going down the road I've been on my whole life. I did do the 2 week liquid diet before I saw him, and got through it alright. The first few days were hard, but after that I kind of hit a stride and was alright.
I was hoping that everything was good to go, but he wants to redo the scope that I had done a year ago in Moncton. I'm getting that done this Wednesday, and hopefully it won't take long to get the results. I'm getting worried with the time frame though, because I spent my summers competing with my pipe band, and if we keep getting delayed (my GI scope was already bumped once) then I won't be able to play. I won't be able to carry my drum for about 6 weeks after surgery, and I'm getting stressed. I know that ultimately the surgery trumps band, I just love playing so much.