Not many days left now! Have to be at the Bathurst hospital for 9:30 Monday morning. I am beyond scared!!! So many thoughts and questions running through my mind right now including "is this the right thing to do?" and "I wonder if I will regret this?".
Tired, edgy and pretty sure I am going to lose my **** before the end of the weekend ;(
I understand that your scared:( I was too! I still am and it's done. I think it's because its new and we have to re learn eating and everything that goes with it. For the first day I was so sick I thought, why did I do this. But the person in the room wasn't sick at all and had the same surgery. I don't regret it I know once I heal it will be the greatest thing ever. Onward and upward! They are normal feelings my love. You can do this!
I will be in the same boat soon too. Waiting for my surgery call anytime now. I can tell you this...I will be scared to death too and hope a few on here can talk me down. I have had the privilege of making friend over the past year with a few people who have had these surgeries and doing very well. No matter how scared I am I will keep them my focus! Best of luck and cant wait to hear how you do!