does anybody have Dr sylvain beausoleil
Chris, when did you have your all day info session, I thought we had ours the same week, not that it's any of my business but if you had to see the psychiatrist a few times maybe that slowed your progress down. I had to see her once and I had my all day session in May. I'm sure you will have surgery before May. Good luck,
"You're off to great places today is your day your mountain is waiting so get on your way.Oh the Places you'll go" Dr.Seuss
dose anybody have Dr sylvain and are waiting for surgery i was just wondering i see a lot of people have marc savoie and are getting there dates for surgery.I am just waiting to get the surgery date know all papers are sign with him he told me it could be only it may it could be done so i'm hopeing sooner then later but i guess i have to wait i waited this long whats a little more.
I have Dr B, however not waiting on surgery.
I am almost 2 years out and I remember the waiting game, however it's very much worth it to wait and your turn will be here before you know it!! :)