4 Days Band Post Op
I had the band done on July 9th. It's been 4 days and I'm feeling amazing. I never had a problem since the operation. Surgery started at 10 am, and before I knew it, I was in the recovery room. I only ever received pain medication while I was in there. I had no need for it since. I even went shopping at Walmart after I got out of the hospital at 5:30 as I had to wait for a prescription to be filled. I've been doing my walking without any issues and other than a little tightness in the chest area (due to being injected with air during surgery). I have had NO pain whatsoever. I'm also not having an issue drinking. I have no problems being able to consume 6 oz of soup or a smoothie for a meal. Am I supposed feel this good???
Toss me an email sometime [email protected] :) I work Mon-Fri 8-4 but otherwise have lots of free time.