Hello jj, as of yesterday the 23rd of feb it was one month since my surgery, im on soft foods now and i feel great, i go in for my next checkup with surgeon on march 19 and ill find out how much ive lost up until now, though inches are really coming off! ive never felt better and would do it all again in a heartbeat, my start weight was 489, after boost diet i was at 469, and my next weigh in is 2 weeks cant wait to see what i have lost so far :)
Hello Anxiousgirl :), my doctor was Yves Semerjian, the day of the surgery i was in at 6am and they took me in the pre op room to get me ready for the surgery, it was a wonderful experience and everyone was really cheerful and helpful, they went through the whole process and i saw the anesthisiologist and the surgeon before, the trick is to be relaxed and not to worry as your in good hands, i was really calm and they were really happy about that the whole surgery took 1.5hrs and when i woke up i was in alot of pain though within the next day or so it was alot less and within a week and a half after that there was no longer any pain at all, i feel so much happier now and im very optimistic, the crazy thing is i know they removed 80% of my stomach but my body feels like the whole stomach is still there though i can only eat 1/4-1cup per meal depending what im eating, im on solid food now and though there is some discomfort when i eat the weight is really starting to come off, believe me i waited a looong time as well but in the end it is all worth it! they take really good care of their patients but its something you really gotta want because its not an easy process and support is really crucial :)
I think that "support" is the one thing that is lacking in the process. On the other OH boards I am always reading about monthly group meetings or conferences etc. in other forums. It seems that the only support is here on the OH website for those in NB. A few years ago, I approached our local Community Health Centre and spoke to a Social Worker and suggested that maybe a support group could be started for bariatric patients or those considering the surgery. I believe there needs to be an end to end support system both physically and mentally.