Psychologist Process Changed
on 10/22/12 10:26 am - Musquash, NB, Canada
You will be there before you know it!!!
I have not! I called her office on Tuesday (30) and was told she was out of the office until Friday, so I left a message for her to call me. I sent my questionnaire in a day before Henry (above in this thread) yet I haven't heard a word and I believe he's signing off on his surgery this week ('yea' for Henry btw). So to answer your question, there doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to the timeframe regarding hearing back from her after sending your questionnaire in. I sent mine in 3 weeks ago and haven't heard, another sent his back near the same time and heard back the next week.
I had called to make sure she received my questionnaire. When I talked to her prior to my receiving the questionnaire she stated that 'no, everyone's going in order of placement on the list' but I'm having a hard time believing that. Hopefully she'll return my call on Friday and I'll have more news to report.