Response from Madelaine Dube re: GBS
Here is the response I received today:
Dear :
This is in response to your e-mail of April 18, 2011 regarding bariatric surgery.
Our government wants to ensure that New Brunswick will continue to have the best health care system by better managing our health dollars. Our commitment is to put New Brunswick first with a better health care.
I can assure you that government will consider all the concerns that are being presented by New Brunswickers and that no decisions have been taken with respect to deinsuring services at this time.
Thank you for having taken the time to share your concerns.
Original signed by
Madeleine Dubé
I think I just got a stock answer. Where she states that "no decisions have been taken with respect to deinsuring services at this time". Does this time mean May? What happens in June?
Basically I think she is full of bs...look at our health care system right now as it is and she states "will continue to have the best health care system"?
I am not putting much hope here.
Basically I think she is full of bs...look at our health care system right now as it is and she states "will continue to have the best health care system"?
I am not putting much hope here.
Its not looking good..may i say.healths care been with us for ever.they did it before they stop paying for it for how many they might stop paying for it again..i`m very discouraged.people work so hard to keep health care going i think its should be good choice to keep obesity open for are surgery..but not everyone agrees. so i`ll kept praying for it.