News on Denise!!!
Hello everyone just wanted to let you all know that Denise had her surgery today and everything went well and she is now in ICU for the night recovering and then will be moved to a room sometime tomorrow. I didn't get up there today for her surgery as I had received a call yesterday for an appointment with Dr Dolan who is an Oncologist doctor as I have been having some problems with some tests recently so I wasn't able to go to Moncton but I will be taking a drive up some time this weekend for a visit. Denise's DH will be calling me tomorrow to let me know how things are going with Denise so he will keep me posted. WOOHOOOOO for Denise she is now on the loosers bench with me and I am so happy and proud of her.
Hi Beth
So glad to herar Denise is doing ok....good for her. I'm sorry to hear about your issues though. I would love to come to Moncton with you this weekend if you are going...give me a call later this week. I work 10-630 until friday and off for the weekend so available pretty much anytime. take care
So glad to herar Denise is doing ok....good for her. I'm sorry to hear about your issues though. I would love to come to Moncton with you this weekend if you are going...give me a call later this week. I work 10-630 until friday and off for the weekend so available pretty much anytime. take care