A Week post op
now it has been 8 days since I had my surgery and I am feeling pretty good however I still tire very easy and for the past couple of days I have just not really had much of an appitite for even soup I am making sure I get fluids into me but I hate this feeling of nausea it totally drains me. Is this a normal feeling as well??? I feel fine when I drink some water or juice or a nice cup of tea but when I go to take some cream soup or any soup for that matter my stomach just turns. I hope this soon passes or maybe it will get better once I can have pureed food at day 15??? One only hopes... other then that I feel pretty good no more gas pains and I can finally sleep on my sides with little discomfort...
I have the fat free jello and pudding but I can't remember if I am allowed to have that yet or at day 15...the strips are helping me out allot thank god for them...I can tell a difference the the way my clothes are feeling already it feels good. People have noticed it in my face that I have lost some weight so that is a good feeling as well. Today was the first day in days that I have not felt sick at my stomach so I think things are getting much better...Hurry up day 15 so that I can start on pureed food...wooohoooo I can't wait to be able to have a bit of chicken or fish with potatoes or something other then soup....Tomorrow I have an appointment with my family doctor to check my blood pressure as I have found it to be low and I want to find out if I can stop taking my blood pressure meds but still continue taking my fluid pills so we will see...
Hi - I have been away and not around my laptop much during my holidays - want to say CONGRATS!!! on your surgery! Sorry you are feeling a bit peaked at this point - hopefully some fellow bandsters can help you out with reassurance/tips etc. Not having the band - I really can't say if what you are expereincing is noraml- but - I do remember having times early out where I felt really crappy for a day or two. But - it passed. Hopefully =you will feel better soon- remember - surgery and anaesthetic are a big trauma to our bodies - not to mention the self induced "starvation" mode that our bodies think they are in pre and post op! It takes a while to get over. Take care! Mary