Surprisingly Encouraged
I decided to start "squeaking" today and finally called Dr. Savoie's office to see where I was on his list. They have just booked patients through until July 2011 and when they start booking again, they will be starting with referrals from Jan. 2009. The wait time is about 3 years. Considering that I was told by Dr. Beausoleil's office that the wait could be up to 10 years, I felt surprisingly encouraged to hear only 3 years. Couldn't have come at a better time as I have been feeling very frustrated. I am trying very hard to keep my depression under control but right now I feel as though it won't take much for it to become uncontrolled again. Trying to take it one day at a time but it sure is hard :(
It seems like a long time to wait Liz, but already you are ahead of the game by having your name on two waiting lists, doubling your chances of getting in. Remember to keep calling, you never know when someone might cancel. That's how I got in, someone cancelled surgery until after Xmas, and with five days notice I was in having my lapband done.
Enjoy the sunshine, play with Kara, and call your old friend to chit chat when you are feeling down (or Downs ha ha).
Enjoy the sunshine, play with Kara, and call your old friend to chit chat when you are feeling down (or Downs ha ha).