Port pain?
Do any of you bandsters ever have port pain (after it has healed)? I occasionally get sharp but short lived pain in the area of my port. Last night it seemed related to physical movement or exertion. It is up there on the pain scale (6 or 7) but only lasts a few seconds. Other times I can have a dull ache that lasts for several minutes to an hour. I have reported it to the clinic but at that time it had only happened a couple of times. Any ideas?
I can’t help you there; I have never experienced any port pain. Like you though, my port has tipped vertically but mine is SOOO deep I can’t even feel it and it’s a struggle finding it each time I go for a fill. My friend told me she gets a pain sometimes when she stretches and that sometimes she’ll bump it accidentally and it hurts!
This has yet to happen to me, I am still quite heavy in the mid section, and it will be the last of my weight to go, unfortunately.
I'm not a bandster as you guys know - but as an RN - I can tell you that some amount of discomfort or funny feeling now and then is probably nothing to worry about. Likewise if you bump the area and it hurts - especially if you are thinning out in the area. After all - it is a foreign object sitiing in there. But - not to mean you shouldn't check it out with your doc if it is bothersome. Just my 2 cents worth! I look after patients with things called port a caths now and then - used to access internal veins for chemo or other treatments - and have heard this type of comments from some of them.