Fills - Personal Preference?
Wow. Since my last fill of 0.5cc, I have been super tight. I can’t eat chips, cake, or even drink liquids in the mornings. I can’t do ice cream either (tried – what a disaster!)
Last week I was getting stuck on everything I ate. I began worrying I was too tight and that maybe I should get the 0.5 unfill’ed. Instead of doing so, I sat there and evaluated how I was eating.
The truth was I was eating the exact same way as before the fill. On Saturday I sat there and ate very slowly and everything went down fine. Since then, I’ve been having no problems eating. I just needed to take smaller bites and SLOW down.
It’s funny how your brain doesn’t want to adapt to your new stomach. It took me a full week of stuck episodes to realize that it wasn’t my band that was the problem, it was my head!
I think how tight you keep your band is a matter of personal preference. Personally, I love a tight band. I love the fact that a lot of food are “no-no’s" to me, so it takes less willpower. I love how I never get hungry and how I get full very quickly.
Before this fill, I was tight, but nothing stopped me from eating a small bag of chips or a small piece of cake or eat ice cream, now I can no longer do any of that. I think being able to eat chips or ice cream was bad for me because I was eating them quite a bit as treats.
How tight do you want/or like to have your band?
That was my experience last week. With the new fill, I guess my brain didn’t want to realize I had to slow down. Needless to say, like you I had to do a few extra days of liquid because my stoma was very upset after about a million stuck episodes.
I was just so shocked because on Saturday (which is treat day for me) I purchased myself a small bag of chips which I usually have no problems eating at all. Well I got stuck! Which I guess is good because it means no chips for moi but usually “crunchy" stuff, I have no problems with at all so I was quite shocked.
It’s not an easy thing getting used to eating all over again between each fill.