Realmessy's not so excellent adventure.
Hi Charline -
I have 4.25 cc's in my band - this after over 10 months since surgery. I just keep thinking if they would just do it under floro so they can be sure I have not stretched my pouch and that I will not be too full - I am so unable to tell if it is too tight right then in the moment of the fill. Add to that my fears and concerns and I am pretty useless in the moment. I did stick around after my fill and had a V8 juice from the canteen there. Once I was certain that I could swallow it and had no issues I left.
Today is my second day of puree and guess what - yesterday after about an hour and a half - hunger - loud, growly hunger. So I had a little snack of yogurt to hold me over til the next meal. I also tried drinking water to see if my thurst mimics hunger - it helped for a little bit.
HOWEVER - I will get this worked out. If I have to go again in another 2 weeks for another .25 I will. I am fortunate to be only 35 minutes away from the hospital and I have 2 kids living in Moncton so I can manage in any eventuality.
I am undaunted in my determination to get restriction and to work this out so that my band will help me the way it is supposed to.
Thanks everyone for your support. And I want to reiterate - My experience is NOT because of anything that the girls at the clinic did or did not do. They are wonderful women and I love them to bits. If not for their compassion and understanding I would be a mess by now. Thank goodness for them and thank goodness for all of you.
I have 4.25 cc's in my band - this after over 10 months since surgery. I just keep thinking if they would just do it under floro so they can be sure I have not stretched my pouch and that I will not be too full - I am so unable to tell if it is too tight right then in the moment of the fill. Add to that my fears and concerns and I am pretty useless in the moment. I did stick around after my fill and had a V8 juice from the canteen there. Once I was certain that I could swallow it and had no issues I left.
Today is my second day of puree and guess what - yesterday after about an hour and a half - hunger - loud, growly hunger. So I had a little snack of yogurt to hold me over til the next meal. I also tried drinking water to see if my thurst mimics hunger - it helped for a little bit.
HOWEVER - I will get this worked out. If I have to go again in another 2 weeks for another .25 I will. I am fortunate to be only 35 minutes away from the hospital and I have 2 kids living in Moncton so I can manage in any eventuality.
I am undaunted in my determination to get restriction and to work this out so that my band will help me the way it is supposed to.
Thanks everyone for your support. And I want to reiterate - My experience is NOT because of anything that the girls at the clinic did or did not do. They are wonderful women and I love them to bits. If not for their compassion and understanding I would be a mess by now. Thank goodness for them and thank goodness for all of you.
Ann so sorry to hear you are having a rough go. I have never had a fill under fluro and my most painful one was done by the good Dr. himself! I am not in the medical field, but I am assuming that several factors must come onto play when locating the ellusive port.
I am happy to hear that you are hanging in there though. Don't give up Ann, you've come too far to go back. You will get there I'm sure.
I am happy to hear that you are hanging in there though. Don't give up Ann, you've come too far to go back. You will get there I'm sure.
I've had all my fills done under fluoro but it'snot all good. The last fill was 2 cc's after a p;revious unfill. this appears to have been too aggressive since my small pouch mushroomed out and stretched as a result. sooo be careful what you wish for. during that fill it turned into an unfill. now i go again on the 15th to see if i can get a fill. i have been on a yo yo of fills/unfills. i can't even remember how much is in my band anymore. i know that i wish this progressed a little more consistently. i'm a year out and not even near my sweet spot. i thought i'd be down 100 lbs since surgery but only 50. it's very frustrating. i keep plugging along using weigh****chers as my weight loss tool. best of luck to everyone else who is struggling along with me, penelope !!!

362/305/250.6/160 (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
Dear Ann, please relax what happened to me is not nescesarily going to happen to you, you are doing great , even with all my trouble and my luck of the Irish i still managed to eep 30 pounds off this year. When I take a drink of water i feel a little burb come up thats when I know I have restriction. I down 41 pounds now after 2 weeks of strict diet ing again. I find drinking ensure or protein smoothies a couple of times a day helps control my appetite. You may want to try that for aweek or so and see what happens . Try not to worry whatever happens they'll look after you at the clinic, they don't give up on people.