Newbie question
Attention all do we know we are hungry and above all, how do we know we are full? This may sound like a strange question BUT I have no sensation of hunger of fullness. I do have a tight feeling in my esophogus just between my breast bone. Maybe that feeling is that I drink too fast. Taking pills is a challange with sips of water. I just don't understand all these feelings, lack thereof, or sensations and any imput would be greatly appreciated.
Luv Sugarbear
Luv Sugarbear

I still after 18 months - never feel hungry. For that I am grateful. I eat because I know I have to. Sometimes when I neglect to eat - I'll get shaky etc - by that point I have to stop what I am doing and eat. As for feeling full. I do not really get a signal for that either. Maybe a very vague tight feeling - but nothing really. So I just kind of know what amount is right for me. I do know however that when I am eating something I am really enjoying and I think I want just one more bite - I DON'T do it. That's the bite that will make me unconfortably full. Some people get clear cut feelings when they are full, some get a runny nose - lots of different things.. Hopefully as you become more used to your new way of eating - these things will come easier for you! Good luck!