I think that if you can get your surgery closer to home then all the better. Halifax is a great option given that you could get in on the 5 year study perhaps. I think you really do need to touch base with Dr. Savoie again ASAP and make sure that his referral is one that you can manage and that you can afford as well as making sure it is the best move for you considering the nature of your condition.
I was fortunate enough to see a program on television about Dr. Christou. He trained Dr. Savoie and Dr. Beau and is the foremost expert in Canada from what I gather. And given your condition he would be the one to know what is best and might even consider your case urgent enough to get you done ASAP.
Whatever happens I will keep you in my thoughts. I am not a woman of prayer but I do believe that thinking positively about a person puts positive energy into the universe for you. So you are now on my list of names that I read every day for positive energy.
Medicare may cover the cost of bariatric surgery when it meets specific criteria. In order for such surgery to be considered out of province, it is necessary for physicians to request prior approval from New Brunswick Medicare. Therefore, your physician must submit a written request with supporting medical documentation to Medicare's Medical Consultant at the following address:
Medicare's Medical Consultant
New Brunswick Medicare
Department of Health
PO Box 5100
Fredericton, NB E3B 5G8
Fax: (506) 457-7671
The service in question must be rendered by a certified physician in a public hospital, and the hospital fees billed reciprocally to Medicare. The physicians may opt to bill Medicare directly, but the requested fees must be based on existing host-province fees. Neither the patient nor Medicare may be billed additionally. No “private arrangements" between patient and surgeon will be honoured by Medicare, even if rendered in a public hospital. It is always prudent to verify this with the physicians in question.
I trust this information will be of assistance. "