Update! (long)
Hey folks!
Well tomorrow I am officially 1 month since surgery! What a roller coaster!!! At first, when I was healing I had A LOT of restriction (swelling) and I fell almost in a shock. Emotionally it was hard to deal with not being able to eat at all (grieving food perhaps?) but now I am really not missing food that much anymore. It’s as if in the beginning I was withdrawing from food, and this is when I realized how addicted I was to food and how bad it was for me.
Now that I’m on solids, I’ve managed to create myself a routine which I follow daily. On weekdays, I eat 3 low calorie meals a day. I measure and do not eat after supper (unless I’m hungry, I’ll have a low fat babybel). Saturdays is my treat day, so I allow myself something I wouldn’t eat during the week (I still measure and follow the basic band rules, like I wouldn’t have a soda or chocolate, but I’ll maybe have a small ice cream or something)
I’m ready for a fill. I am able to eat pretty much everything (haven’t tried bread or any meat aside from chicken) but I do not feel much restriction right now. I feel like I am relying on willpower and thank god I have some because with all the food at work this week, I could have fallen off the wagon easily!!!
My weight loss has been good. I am down 34 pounds since my liquid diet
I haven’t begun exercising yet because I have a medical issue I need to clearance on (soon I hope!) but I am excited to plow through this journey knowing that once I add exercise to the mix, I will lose much easier and faster.
Already I feel great and I know that if I put a little more effort I could feel even better!
I have to stress to all wannabe bansters this isn’t a magic wand. Failure is just around the corner and you really need to diet and work hard, just like any other diet out there. I hate the word diet but I really feel like I am dieting. It’s a little easier than a diet because your mind knows you had surgery and you can’t eat big portions, but it’s still dieting non the less.
This surgery is not for the weak at heart, or for folks who aren’t ready to work hard at losing weight. If you want the surgery to do most of the work, then I strongly suggest DS. The band helps with restriction, but it is simply too easy to fall sidetracked and bend the rules so you need a lot of willpower. The band is like a diet tool, you have it and it keeps you in line more so than without one but there are still many ways to sabotage yourself (not get fills, eat slider foods, drink with meals, drink soda, PB, etc)
You really need to be a determined and focused person who likes a challenge to succeed at this.
That’s my opinion anyway.
Can't wait for my fill! Should be in about 2 weeks!
I can't wait untill I get pass the 2 weeks,Iam having a hard time eatting soup and I know I have to eat so right on Iam having a ensure as I was hungery.I have pain in the big cut and in my lungs.But I only take tyleno in the day.
So I can't wait to hear about your fill.
243 Aug 19th 2009 day of surgery
206 Feb 15th 5th fill 6mth
202 March 15 7cc
191 may 17th 7.5 cc Did not find this one did much.
186 july aug 28th one year in 177
180 Sept 27th 8.5 CC today I hope this will be the one.
178 feb 11th 8.75 cc
It's weird because my big incision never bothered me. Everyone is so different.
My lungs bothered me the first week after surgery, they were pretty bad. I was wheezing non stop and coughing, but after awhile they cleaned up. Make sure you use the machine as often as you can. The anesthetic is really harsh on the lung.
I was on pain meds probably for like 4 days. Only 1mg though because the 2mg was too much for me. Don't worry, things will get better!
GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just really want to stress how much work you have to put into it. People have the mentally that it's the easy way out and hell no! It's a hard journey and I mean I knew the band was just a tool, but I think you only realize it once you have one!
No matter how much the staff tells you it's not a magic wand, some people don't realize. I know a girl who was banded a year ago and hasn't lost a pound...that was the slap in the face for me.
I can see how restriction will make it easier! Can' wait!!
Not losing a pound that would not be nices.All that for nothing.
243 Aug 19th 2009 day of surgery
206 Feb 15th 5th fill 6mth
202 March 15 7cc
191 may 17th 7.5 cc Did not find this one did much.
186 july aug 28th one year in 177
180 Sept 27th 8.5 CC today I hope this will be the one.
178 feb 11th 8.75 cc
This surgery is not for the weak at heart, or for folks who aren’t ready to work hard at losing weight. If you want the surgery to do most of the work, then I strongly suggest DS
Wow...I am really suprised that you made this statement. I thought you did more research on all types of WLS. I would imagine the mojority of your research went into the LapBand, so maybe you aren't aware that the DS is no cake walk either. I have been lurking on the DS boards for 3 years, and let me tell ya...I have never heard one person say it does most of the work.
Hope this doesn't sound harsh, but your statement just caught me off guard.
Well, I did do some research but I could be wrong. Maybe not as much as I should have. I do know that the surgery is harder for sure...but from my understanding, isin't the way the DS works is you have to eat all the time and take vitamins?
Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm no DS expert and since it's your choice of surgery I know you lurked way longer on those boards than me so you would Know more, but it's not like dieting right?
Like the band honestly, I feel like I lost 35 pounds because I worked hard at it...you know what I mean? There no malabsortion so aside from restricting certain foods, the band dosn't really do anything else.
I guess I made this statement from an emotional and willpower point of view. With the band I feel like I am dieting and I was under the assumption that you could eat what you want with the DS...am I right?