Soon to be R N Y ers
Before surg, go buy different drink things so there may be something you can easily drink later.
I don't think bandsters have this issue to deal with.
I am going now to make a cup of tea with coffeemate and splenda, to see if I can tolerate that.
Day of surgery Feb 12 /09 / 251 pounds
Current weight / 206 pounds
First Goal 199 (onederland)
Second Goal / 180 (I'd be happy here if I never lost another pound)
Final Goal / 140 (final goal, more of a wish)

Are you able to tolerate any protein drinks of any kind - did you locate beneprotein - I saw a topic on the rny boards today about people getting beneprotein for post surgery cause it will mix in cold and hold stuff - there is no taste- it dissolves. like for tonight with your tea you would have mixed in a couple teaspoons and voila protein tea.... try to avoid caffenated drinks cause they defeat the purpose of trying to take in all your fluids....
I think herbal/decaffinated teas would be a good shot just make them weaker if you find them too strong in flavouring.
ARe you tolerating any boost or glucerna or any of those types - now that you have switched iron pills is your diarrea any better. So right now are you getting any protein in as far as supplemented protein- what does Dr B want you to aim for .....
Yup our taste buds are affected big time .......... I cant do any crystal light or the nestea mixes by doing the whole single serving - early out I would just put in enough to take the iron metally taste away from the water - I used I think white grape and peach ice tea as they were the ones I found most mild and even then I only probably used a 1/4 of a package in water bottle - the other thing you can do is make your icecubes out of the crystal light or nesteas instant cold teas and toss in couple in your glass of water for a lil flavoring.
Also warm water with a lil lemon sometimes is better than cold water. There are protein hot chocolates that have 15 grams of protein -now I was finding everything to sweet when first out but you may be ok with them and you can add divinici syrups to have moch/chocolate or hazlenut chocolate I even bought a kalluha flavor -
Dont give up you can try soy protein drinks if you are lactose intolerant....
Like you said Maggie you just have to keep trying - protein is so important for the weight loss and also to keep healthy with regards to hair and skin and nails . Also brain fuction when it comes down to it you really need your protein to function when I wasnt able to find any that tasted ok or I could keep down - I was losing my concentration and not able to think very quickly the doctor told me it was because it was like there was a famine going on in my body - at one point she thought it was best I didnt drive cause I couldnt remember where I was headed and couldnt focus on the road.
hang in there
I am concenteating on getting food in right now last night for supper, I had 1/2 cup mashed potates and 1/2 cup carrots mashed with alittle butter. It was heaven. I couldn't get it all in but it was so good to eat something. I had a scrambled egg and 1/2 toast yesterday am. Slowly but surely. Deb, can I take my Centrum forte along with my palafer at night or should I take one in the am and one in the pm? I take palafer at bedtime as you suggested and it does not seem to bother my belly so much. Thank you.
Day of surgery Feb 12 /09 / 251 pounds
Current weight / 206 pounds
First Goal 199 (onederland)
Second Goal / 180 (I'd be happy here if I never lost another pound)
Final Goal / 140 (final goal, more of a wish)

You dont want to take anything with your iron but vitamin c - I dont have centrum in front of me but if you take anything will calcium it will affect the absorption.
I personally take my calcium a couple times a day. Then I take my multis after lunch and my b- complex afternoon as I find I dont like it on an empty stomach. I do my b12 sublingual alternate days and take it late morning.
The only thing I take at night in supplements is my iron and vitamin c and it is just before I shut off the lights.
take care & hugs
Day of surgery Feb 12 /09 / 251 pounds
Current weight / 206 pounds
First Goal 199 (onederland)
Second Goal / 180 (I'd be happy here if I never lost another pound)
Final Goal / 140 (final goal, more of a wish)

I agree with you - taking vitamins designed for our new bods just makes me feel that much better on what I am putting into my body.
I know the vitamin/supplement industry is a multi/billion dollar industry but you have to do your reseach and even with your surgeons advice go with your gut (pouch) lol on this one .
I have learned the hard way with protein and supplements - by starting off not taking the right amounts and now see how much more sucessful I am with health and my losses and my blood work is not just in the norm for levels it shows a healthier me -
My last battle is my iron- and that keeps on going up so I am excited to get results later this week to see how much more it has come up this month....
I am a huge advocate from the get go - that WLS patients ask for copies of your their blood work - so that you can then chart and be responsible for what your numbers are - remember most docs are looking for norm levels - they dont get flagged on the results with changing numbers headed in the wrong direction & most dont have the time to say hey this xyz is on a decline .... so that is up to me to be vigilant about my numbers and with research and professional advice tweak my supplements to keep me at my healthiest.
Day of surgery Feb 12 /09 / 251 pounds
Current weight / 206 pounds
First Goal 199 (onederland)
Second Goal / 180 (I'd be happy here if I never lost another pound)
Final Goal / 140 (final goal, more of a wish)