I think I'm getting in trouble

maggie L.
on 2/19/09 6:50 am - Willio Grove, Canada
Everything tastes so bad, I don't want to eat. I discovered white curds in my mouth so I'm pretty sure it's thrush. I went to the pharmacy and got Gentian Violet and came home and used it twice. Can't be doing that. I had tomato soup for lunch and it all came back up. I called Rinette and she said go to er and get rx for thrush. I can't. Don't have the energy. I called my doctor and she called in a rx for a mouthwash to kill the fungus. I'll send my boys out tomorrow to get it. Here's the problem. I drank a slimfast at 3pm and I've puked twice and still feel sick. I can't drink either. Feel too sick and everything tastes so so gross when I taste it it almost makes me sick. It takes 10 to 14 days to kill thrush and you pray it does not go systemic. I'm soooo tired and now sick to boot. There is good news, the bloody seeping has stopped.
Abby G.
on 2/19/09 7:04 am - Canada
 Maggie, you are certainly having more than your share of problems.  Losing weight because of the surgery is one thing, but losing it because you are sick is another!  Take care of yourself and hang in there.  You're in my (everyones) thoughts and prayers!
on 2/19/09 7:10 am - New Maryland, Canada
I hope you aren't getting the flu that was going through the Dumont. I think I would call the clinic again tomorrow. I hope this is just a glitch and you feel fine after a good night's sleep.


maggie L.
on 2/19/09 7:28 am - Willio Grove, Canada
Thanks guys. I wasn't anywhere in the dumont to catch a cold. My biggest worry is dehydration because the iron pills give me such diarrhea and if you can't drink, you can get in trouble pretty quickly.
Penelope G.
on 2/19/09 8:49 am - xxxxx, Canada
Oh dear Maggie...take care of yourself and keep on top of these issues that arise.  All of this will pass and you will be well on your way to your goal.  Take care, Patsy

362/305/250.6/160  (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs

on 2/19/09 8:59 am - Canada
Ok Maggie girl

Lets start solving some of these problems.....

Ok if its thrush you must get the right prescription and make sure the prescribing dr knows that you just has RNY- you cant fool around with any infections.

You are too early out I think to be doing the slimfast...... actually I dont think it will ever be in your eating plan........ too much sugar which makes you dump ........ you have to get protein and fluids in but try the diabetic boost even at my worst I could do tiny sips of the strawberry flavour diabetic boost found early out couldnt handle anything chocolate was too rich and sweet. Maggie I would drink it over a couple hours with ice and keep throwing in ice cubes to keep in cool - at least its some protein (15 grams)- remember no straws you dont need the extra air .

Ok if you are having problems with nausea and vomitting you need to get the dr to prescribe something for it - I had a liquid type anti nausea med that chemo patients take it was the only hope I had of stuff staying down..... you take it a certain amount of time before you eat or drink a protein drink.... it really helped.

If you are having diarrea from the iron than you have to ask them to change to another form of iron ..... Maggie you will dehydrate so quickly and you dont want to be in ER in SJ on iv fluids ..... once you start getting dehydrated it will cause you to be nauseous and throw up.....its a vicious cycle....

This is serious very serious - you will get so sick with the dehydration you have to fight girl - only you can look out for you ..... if you are having a hard time - suck on sugar free freezies I found them more  managable than sugar free popsicles cause I couldnt get the popsicle in before it melted.

Are you allowed to do cream of wheat for breakfast - I was allowed that from the get go and with a lil skim milk its pretty liquidy and I liked that it was warm and friendly to my pouch. Also cream of wheat is high in iron . I also lived on the the Campbells Gardenay soups just a 1/4 cup but it was so tasty when everything tasted so horrible. Squash and Carrot were the best for me.

You are gonna through a roller coaster with your taste buds its all gonna be yuck for a lot of foods but stick with it and keep trying different things. And with the Thrush - make sure this mouthwash is not full of sugar - talk to your pharmacist.

Do you have a suggested menu or just guidelines I can send you a menu for your stage based on my surgeons recommendations- should be close to Dr B as my Dr Christou trained Dr B.

Ask your son if he could go to the pharmacy and get you beneprotein - even though its from the benefibre family for some reason I could never find it so you might have to call around to locate it - I could only locate it at the pharmacy's at the hospitals here - there is no flavour and you add it in drinks, soups any of your liquids and you are getting some extra protein in .

If you can't find it I will send you some just let me know .

Ok Maggie please do not let anything not get looked at - I totally understand how you dont have the energy to do ER or the doctor but you have to be on top of this stuff girly cause you dont want to end up back in the hospital- I dont  want to scare you but you have already had complications so you dont need anymore. The more I re-read you email I am scared you are already dehydrated.

Maggie be sure you are recording your fluids and food that you are taking and keep a journal of when you are throwing up and the amount of diarrea - oh girl I am so worried about ya if I didnt have this croupy cough I would be heading to SJ- love ya so much I would even stay with my Mother inlaw now thats love baby!

Maggie email me if there is anything I can do for you please...... [email protected]

ok keep us posted.

        STARTING 2010 WITH A BANG! 160 LBS LOST!

    WLS JOURNEY: HW-292/SW-273/CW-132-GOAL 125LBS
        WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK IT - ME - 132 LBS ! omg
                 - Happy to be Brenda B's angel !

on 2/19/09 9:58 am - New Maryland, Canada
I hate diabetic Boost. I like the Glucosomine. No medicine taste. The chocolate is the best. It keeps me satisfied for hours. It comes in 6 packs for about 11.00- a whole weeks groceries for you!! LOL



on 2/19/09 11:09 am - Canada

Here is the comparison - you might have to try a few different kinds and flavours before you find one that is palatable.... we all go thru changing taste buds with RNY and I am sure the thrush is not helping with anything drinking or eating..... bu****ch the sugars cause you dont want to push the dumping law - this soon out most will stay under 4 or 5 grams of sugar per serving.

I did not personally find it tasted mediciney or had the after taste that other protein drinks did - but I think you and I discussed Boost Diabetic before... so maybe you are ok with it.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you and let me know if you want me to send the Beneprotein to you.


Comparaison Chart

        STARTING 2010 WITH A BANG! 160 LBS LOST!

    WLS JOURNEY: HW-292/SW-273/CW-132-GOAL 125LBS
        WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK IT - ME - 132 LBS ! omg
                 - Happy to be Brenda B's angel !

maggie L.
on 2/19/09 11:13 am - Willio Grove, Canada
Thank you guys so much. I did call my doctor and she phoned in a oral suspension nystatin that I am to swish and swollow  2 mls 3 times a day. It does have sugar in it but I don't know how much. 2 mils is not lot so hopefully it won't cause dumping.
i have diarrhea so bad, I am afraid to leave the house. I will call the Dumont crew tomorrow and explain to them my symptoms. Maybe they will get Dr. B. to change my iron pills. My pharmasist has been my godsend. I will call him tomorrow and see if he has any unflavoured protien mix. I just feel so stomach sick. If it does get worse I will go to SJRH but I will try by phone first. Thank you for your most sincere offer Debbie. I know you mean it but I'll be OK. What's the worse that can happen? I could find myself a the regional with an IV. My health care seems so spread out right now.  Moncton,  St. George and  Saint John.  To make matters worse, I'm too poopy and tired to do much about it.
Krista C.
on 2/19/09 1:50 pm - Quispamsis, Canada
Oh Maggie! My heart goes out to you! I am so glad you called Rinette and that your doc called in a prescription for you. If I wasn't heading to Fredericton today, I'd go get it for you myself.

Take care and I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers your way right now.


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