Way to go Suzanne........ Congrats -
boy it seems like everyday someone is getting the call lately....
You must be very excited....... to curb some of your appetite look in the new spring/summer sears catalogue and think how you will soon be able to wear cooler clothes and smaller sizes in no time at all!
And you will be able to shop anywhere.... scored again at Value Village today for my trip next week - if I could just get into my thick head that I dont need to take bigger things into the dressing room I could save so much time when trying things on ........ especially with my back still giving me grief....
Huge warped sense of how big I am .... cant stop grabbing bigger sizes and hauling them into the dressing room ..... I was gonna put back a linen blouse today cause it said petite large and I thought ya right - but then I thought ok just try it on even if you can't button it - its a nice color and you can wear a tank underneath..... it fit I could button it - need someone along with me handing me things where I dont look at the size! lol
On the topic of surgery attire ... if I remember correctly in my past operations(son's open heart surgery, my wisdon teeth and my tonsils a couple years ago) in each occassion it was a jonny shirt and nothing else. Actually I think Jammer just had a blanket wrapped around him. I can remember asking the nurse - why can't I keep my undies on for my wisdom teeth removal? Don't want them mixing up which end to proceed from and was a little concerned that someone would peek.

But,after having 2 kids my modesty level has lowered and I prefer my skin to "air" so my boobies will be flapping and my butt may be peeking ... hopefully the Bathurst clinic will invest in the super size shirts!

Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader

The logic behind it is someone somewhere did a study and found that patients that were hyperheated immediately before and after surgery suffered less post op infections than those not heated up.
S you go into the OR wearing this paper shirt and long plastic air circulating and compressing stockings and zip else.
You have a knob in your hand to control you shirt heater. It is nice and warm. I don't know if they do it for band or not but I can't see why not.
Actually from a nursing background, there is some logic. Our boby fights infections through increasing our body temperature (fever) to help kill invasions of bacteria. Bacteria cannot live in an increased temperature environment. When our body is hyperheated pre and post a vulenerable time when invasion is immenent, it may just do the job. Or it just feels nice.
Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader