abbreviations- On OH and for bandsters

on 2/14/09 10:55 am - New Maryland, Canada

Band-related and Net-related Abbreviations   

250/175/130:  starting weight/current weight/goal weight  
AF:  "Aunt Flo" -- menstrual period

BB: Bandster Barf – See “PB"  
BC:  Birth control (or BCP: birth-control pills) 
BMI:  Body Mass Index. A medical way to measure a healthy or unhealthy weight.  
BMR:  Basal Metabolic Rate. This is the minimum number of calories you need to sustain your current weight.   
BP:  blood pressure 
BTW:  By the way 
CIB:  Carnation Instant Breakfast 
CUL8R:  See you later 
CYA:  “See ya"  
CYA:  Cover your a$$  
DB:  Darling brother, dear brother, damn brother or whatever “D" word, depending on what they have done!
DD:  Darling daughter, dear daughter, etc.,  as above! .

DH:  Darling husband, dear husband…

DW -

DS:  Darling son/sister, dear son/sister… 
DS:  Duodenal Switch - another form of WLS  
DW:  Darling wife, dear wife or whatever “D" word depending on mood 
EROSION:  When the LapBand slowly erodes through the stomach wall from too much pressure over many months. Is rare (less than 5% of bandings),  is found most frequently in the first year or so after surgery, but can occur at any time after band placement.  While it sounds horrible, erosion usually does not create serious illness. Even though it is not likely to be an emergency, erosion of the band does always require surgical removal of the band. 
ESOPHOGEAL DILATION:  Band Patients can develop enlargement of the esophagus above the stomach and  LapBand.  This is almost always related to  LapBand being “too tight" and often responds to temporary removal of restriction by removing all the fluid from the band and relaxing it, along with a period of rest lasting weeks or longer. In some severe cases that do not respond, the LapBand must be removed. 
FAQ:  Frequently asked questions.  
FAT%:  The percentage of your body that is fat. 
FFM:  Fat Free Mass. This is how many pounds of your body is not fat. 
FAT MASS or FAT CIMPOSITION:  This is how much of your weight is FAT.  
FIRST BITE SYNDROME:  This is when you get a tight feeling in your chest immediately after taking your first bite of food.  You may actually feel as if you have to PB. Several easy cures.  
FLAME:  To post rude or insulting messages 

FLUORO:  A Fluoroscope, a medical machine with a fluorescent screen on which the internal structures of an optically opaque object, such as parts of the human body, may be continuously viewed.  With banding, a “fluoro" usually means the Barium Swallow test used to evaluate fills or for assessment of the band’s position.  
FWIW:  For what it's worth

FP doc: “Family Practice" physician  
FYI:  For your information.  
GBP:  Gastric bypass surgery 
GERD:  Gastro-esophageal reflux disease.   
GP:  General practitioner

GS: Gastric Sleeve, another form of WLS 
HIJACK:  To post something off topic from the original post or idea of the thread 
IIRC:   If I recall correctly 
IMHO:  In my honest opinion; In my humble opinion  
IMO:  In my opinion  
ISO:  In search of 
IT:  Information technology. 
JK:  Just kidding 
KISS:  “Keep it simple, stupid". 
KWIM:  Know what I mean? 
LAP:  Laparoscopic surgery.  A minimally invasive surgical procedure.  After making small incisions while the patient is asleep and under the effects of anesthesia, the doctors use thin tubes and cameras and specially designed tools to perform the surgery. 
L8TR:  Later (as in see ya later )  
LMAO:  Laughing my a$$ off  
LOL:  Laugh out loud  
LPD:  Liquid Protein Diet

LSD: Liver-shrinking diet used pre-op to reduce surgical risk  
LURK:  To read messages in a newsgroup or chat area without ever posting or replying yourself 
MB:  Message board. 
MO:  Morbid obesity (or morbidly obese) 
NEWBIE:  Someone new to message boards who may be unfamiliar with board terms, rules, other posters, etc.

Newsgroup: another name for an online information Board 
NICK:  Name used by people on the Internet.  
NP:  Nurse practitioner 
NSAIDS:  Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, a large class  painkillers--which Bandsters generally should avoid, as they are severe gastric irritants 
NSV:  Non-scale victory (a change other than the scale…something suddenly fits, others notice your weight loss, etc.) 
NUT:  Nutritionist 
OMG:  Oh my God, Oh my gosh 
OP:  Original poster  
OT:  Off topic, used on message boards when the post is not on the Board’s general subject..  
OTC:  Over the counter (i.e., non-prescription medications, herbs, supplements) 
PA:  Physician's assistant 
PB:  Productive Burp . Can be small like a baby’s spit up, or very violent and painful.  
PCOS:  Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome

PCP, PMD:  Primary care physician/doctor 
PIC:  Picture  
PITA:  Pain in the A$$

PM:   Private message (email a private message to the sender so the public forum does not see it)

PORT:  The device found under the skin that is used to put in or take saline out of the LapBand device.  It connects to the tubing that leads to the band around the stomach.  The port should be sewn to the abdominal muscle to anchor it in place to avoid “flipping."    
POUCH:  The small part of the stomach that is located above the LapBand.  
PPL:  People  
PS:  Plastic surgery 
RTFP:  Read the fine print 
RNY:  Roux- En- Y – Gastric Bypass   
ROTFL:  Rolling on the floor laughing 
ROFLMAO:  Rolling on floor laughing my a$$ off

SF:  Sugar free

“SLIME" or “SLIMING" :  An overproduction of saliva that occurs in response to an eating problem.

“SLIP":  (a.k.a. PROLAPSE) The band itself does not slip or move, but the stomach moves out of position in relation to the band position. With major slips, there is sudden inability to keep fluids or solids down, and here may be pain and repeated vomiting.  A slip can be caused by repeated vomiting or pb’s.

SNAFU:  “Situation normal, all fouled up" Armed Services lingo.  
STOMA:  the opening between the top portion of your stomach and the lower portion of your stomach, created by placing the Band. The stomach is then an hourglass shape, with the narrow part as the “stoma"  
SV:  Scale victory (when the numbers on the scale actually show a change) 
SWEET SPOT:  When you're losing 1-2 lbs/week on average over time and your sensible meals are making you full, so you don’t get physically hungry again for a good 3 to 4 hours 
TANSTAAFL (Pronounced "tan-staff-el): There ain't no such thing as a free lunch - Robert Heinlein. 
TBW: Total Body Water. This is the how many pounds of your body is water. This may be expressed in pounds or as a percentage.  The average % for a healthy adult male is 50-65% and for female 45-60%. 
THREAD:  A chain of postings on a single subject 
TMI:  Too much information 
TOM:  Time of the month 
TROLL:  Someone who incites flame wars 
TT:  Tummy Tuck 
TTFN:  Ta-Ta For Now  
TTYL:  Talk to you later 
TY:  Thank you!

TYFS:  Thank you for sharing!

TYVM: Thank you very much!  
URL:  Uniform Resource Locater, Internet address of a web page ( http://sitename )  
WAR:  An argument that erupts between posters where insults are thrown around 
WLS:  Weight loss surgery 
WTF:  What the freak (or your other favorite expletive  Your browser may not support display of this image.  ) 
WTG: way to go! 
YMMV:  Your mileage may vary 
ZZZZZZ:  Sleeping or bored


on 2/14/09 9:00 pm - Canada
Hi Charline,

Once again you have posted in this and your previous post some very valuable information.  You are our statitician.  You like facts and you believe in sharing what you learn and that is very valuable to this community.  I will not speak for anyone else but I personally appreciate the work you do, the time you take to share and the immense caring that motivates you.  We are very lucky to have you here and to count you among our dearest friends.

Thanks so much for being you and sharing who you are with all of us.


on 2/14/09 10:54 pm - New Maryland, Canada
Well, thank you for your kind words, They mean a lot. There is nothing like having one's efforts appreciated by those you like and respect. 
I do like facts....the more exact the better. I do like to know the score, and to evaluate things & decide  for myself.  I know I almost drove the new nurse crazy with wanting to know WHY diet jello is no allowed, LOL
I must go to church or I will be too late to even sneak in!


Penelope G.
on 2/15/09 4:22 am - xxxxx, Canada
Hi Charline.... was just reading your opening and saw that your current weight is 175 but you want to lose another 114.  I think you will be seriously ill if you go down to 64 lbs. LOL LOL LOL.  I think you better rejig your numbers.  ;-)

362/305/250.6/160  (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
on 2/15/09 5:03 am - New Maryland, Canada
Where did you see that?  I don't post my weight, just the amount I want to lose or have lost. 175 isn,t accurate even if you add 100 pounds.


Penelope G.
on 2/15/09 9:08 am - xxxxx, Canada
the very top line of this post.

362/305/250.6/160  (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
on 2/15/09 9:24 am - Canada
Oh I think it is just part of the explanation of terms.  I don't think it is actually Charline's stats but that would be kind of funny if it were.  It certainly would be overly ambitious.  tee heee.  Don't over do it Charline, we don't want you to waste away,  just get healthy.  We need your presence on our forum, you are way too valuable.


on 2/15/09 9:28 am - New Maryland, Canada
Oh, I see what you mean.  Those numbers are part of the information I copied and posted.


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