Step 2 - complete
Hi everyone, I had my info session yesterday. Arrived in Moncton at around 8pm - not a good plan to try and find a motel in a city that you don't know after dark. Thank goodness for GPS. The session was great. It was a long day but we got lots of info and it was a chance to get to know the staff a little better and that was also a good thing. Caroline, Rinette, Nathalie and the others are wonderful! Oh well got-a-run work is calling.
Okay, to continue with my update from this morning. Since my last visit on Jan. 22 I have lost 8 lbs and I am VERRY happy with that! Only 122 to go. Yesterday was great! Thanks to OH forum I already had much of the info. It was a long day and I found myself yawning to the point that it was embarassing
There isn't anything you can't ask and in spite of info I've gained from this site there was still lots to learn. Our post op guest speaker was interesting. He has only had his band for 6 months but is doing amazingly well! I put in a "plug" for OH and suggested that they check it out.