This is an insert taken from The "ANNUAL REPORT "...Chaleur Hospital (Bathurst) ...for 2007-2008.
Here are some examples of projects made
possible this past year thanks to the commitments
of our local foundations.
- New equipment valued at $1,883,000 for
the Surgical Suite, cancer control
programs, care of bariatric patients, and
for newborn care at the Chaleur Regional
Hospital – The Chaleur Regional
Hospital Foundation provided a sum of
$300,000 to help purchase equipment for
these areas.
on 2/10/09 2:19 am - Fredericton, Canada
We're going to have to keep patient. There's a lot of work going on; it takes a LOT to get something like this started. They'll let us know when they can.
Patience, grasshoppers.
Dr Savoie would not have invested his time and money in learning the different procedures and starting up the clinic if things were not a go ahead. Plus I would rather wait a few extra months for the proper equipment and specifically trained staff (there are additional risks in surgery when the patient is obese). Some things just take a little longer than planned.
So I will continue to do my part and eat healthy, build up my lungs, take my vitamins and drink my water to prepare physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually for the journey. Simply knowing that even with this delay, I will be operated on months, maybe even years, before reaching the top of Dr B's list, will help me be patient a little while longer.
Mind you, if I find out that Dr Savoie simply got a good deal on a time share down south and is working on his tan all bets are off!!!! LOLOL
Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader

This is going to happen. It if was a just a study, Dr. S wouldn’t of had consults with patients or even still be taking Referrals (which he continues to do btw). I think we all need to remind ourselves that we are dealing with the NB Health Care system. While we are lucky in
I bet if Dr.S’s secretary had some answers to give, she would all give them to us so we could all stop calling. The truth is that Dr. S is probably spending lots of time in the hospital and not informing his secretary of what’s going on.
I don’t think the secretary means to be vague on her information, I think she just doesn’t know. She has given some answers before, like January or February and then when that doesn’t happen, she just gets more calls. I bet she has decided to no longer give out any information because like us, the information she is receiving changes frequently and she receives the backlash of it.
I remember when I first saw Dr. S, he did not know any details of when he would begin and gave me estimation that I would get surgery in Dec/Jan. At this point, he had no staff and no clinic. He just had a general idea of when he should be set up and running. Of course, that didn’t happen.
For all of you who think it will never happen, or that he may have changed his mind, I am 100% positive this is not the case. Setting up a Weight Loss Clinic is a big deal; you need a nurse, a nut, a system, equipment, maybe even a psychologist. All the equipment needs to be specific to obese people, etc.
Also, training the staff is important. The nut needs to learn what each surgery types need to eat, etc.
Only now is Dr. B getting is program solid enough so it runs smoothly. It’s a huge thing to start up, so I think we need to be patient. They will begin calling people when they are ready. Sure I am disappointed that it’s not RIGHT NOW but in the same breath I want the best equipment available and I want the staff to be trained properly, even if it means waiting a couple of months.