Starting two week fast
Why do you think I am so sweet and patient with your grumbling (kidding)???? I'm gonna need all the good will I can get for my own whining and grumbling!!!
Seriously, I am starting to get so nervous, not re the surgery, but the life changes afterward. I went out tonight for my only, last supper. My stomach has shrunk due to my dieting, so I couldn't pig out! LOL I enjoyed supper, but not as much as I wanted because I kept thinking this is my last big meal. I mean, the whole point of the band is so I can't do that, but I hate the thought that I won't ever be able to do that.I guess most everyone gets these thought as zero hour approaches. I'm not having doubts, (this is when the therapist kicks in here) I'm grieving my best friend- food.

Seriously, I am starting to get so nervous, not re the surgery, but the life changes afterward. I went out tonight for my only, last supper. My stomach has shrunk due to my dieting, so I couldn't pig out! LOL I enjoyed supper, but not as much as I wanted because I kept thinking this is my last big meal. I mean, the whole point of the band is so I can't do that, but I hate the thought that I won't ever be able to do that.I guess most everyone gets these thought as zero hour approaches. I'm not having doubts, (this is when the therapist kicks in here) I'm grieving my best friend- food.
I know what you mean Charline. I only got 1 day to do the goodbye food too. I went for my last weigh in before starting my 2 week fast on Tuesday and started the fast on Thursday. So Wednesdat I had fried eggs and sausages for breakfast, BLT's for lunch, Chinese take out for supper and cherry cheese cake for dessert. Then before I went to bed I had a small bag of doritos and a pepsi. I couldn't eat all of each meal because like you I had been dieting so lng my stomach had shrunk. I'd lost almost 30 pounds since June. First pepsi since I had one Christmas day . I used to be able to pile my plate high and eat every last crumb. No more.
I feel the same. I will miss my food. It has always been there. I have to accept that some foods I will never eat again. That's weird because I don't know what I will and won't be able to eat. after surgery.
I found that during these two weeks too. I've been feeling bad about not being able to eat what I want and if I'm doing the right thing having surgery. From what I hear, it's a normal part of the two week freak. It will pass and i am doing the right thing for me and you are too. Whenever I get myself wound up I think about this summer and a healthier slimmer me.
I feel the same. I will miss my food. It has always been there. I have to accept that some foods I will never eat again. That's weird because I don't know what I will and won't be able to eat. after surgery.
I found that during these two weeks too. I've been feeling bad about not being able to eat what I want and if I'm doing the right thing having surgery. From what I hear, it's a normal part of the two week freak. It will pass and i am doing the right thing for me and you are too. Whenever I get myself wound up I think about this summer and a healthier slimmer me.
I wasn't kidding about the therapist crack, and as a helping professional, I can tell you that it is completely normal to have these thoughts and feeling, and to grieve the things you re giving up. I can tell you from personal experience that knowing all about the grieving process does not exempt one from having to do the bargaining, denial, anger, depression, and (we hope) acceptance stages of grieving. One thing I do know about what's ahead for me in the coming weeks- this forum and the friends I have here will be a great help in getting me through it. So in advance, a big THANKS MY OH BUDDIES!
Hey Charline,
It was not so long ago that you were helping me grieve the loss of my relationship with food. I had no idea why I was feeling blue and you were quite quick to draw my attention to what was going on. Thank goodness you knew right away what was going on. Once you pointed it out to me it made perfect sense to me and I was able to handle it much better.
You are going to be starting a new phase as Maggie finishes the same phase. Neat.
I am so enjoying watching you waiters become approachers and then - before long one of the losers. I am watching as if I were anticipating my experience all over again.
Cheering everyone on,
It was not so long ago that you were helping me grieve the loss of my relationship with food. I had no idea why I was feeling blue and you were quite quick to draw my attention to what was going on. Thank goodness you knew right away what was going on. Once you pointed it out to me it made perfect sense to me and I was able to handle it much better.
You are going to be starting a new phase as Maggie finishes the same phase. Neat.
I am so enjoying watching you waiters become approachers and then - before long one of the losers. I am watching as if I were anticipating my experience all over again.
Cheering everyone on,
I think it's better psychologically if you refer to the 2 weeks as a liquid menu rather than a fast. To me, fast is a fairly negative word. Especially for those of us who love to eat. You will still get all your meals, just in a liquid format. I'm trying to put a positive slant on something that can be very difficult and trying.

362/305/250.6/160 (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
From reading here, the folks that opt for the Slim Fast are very hungry and the word fast fits the experience. Those on Opti Fast or MediTrim are not physically hungry (head hunger yes). There I agree with you- liquid diet. Of course, MediTrim offers bars that are supposed to be very I guess that would just be a diet!
Charline, this is it the last day of being able to do a total pig out. Enjoy it, wallow in it and have no regrets. Tomorrow will come soon enough.
Do you have your meditrim all ready for tomorrow? Got your water all set? I have no doubt that evrything is all set to go first thing in the am. Tomorrow the real count down starts.
Do you have your meditrim all ready for tomorrow? Got your water all set? I have no doubt that evrything is all set to go first thing in the am. Tomorrow the real count down starts.