I've not lost much weight
Lize told me I was drinking too much water so I have cut back to 2 1/2 liters a day. I don't feel water logged. Starting to get nervous. The slimfast has 32 grm of sugar per can.Daily total is 124 grm sugar. That seems like a lot. I don't know. That's what Rinette said to drink because I wanted to use the diabetic boost but she said no.
Hey, I just realized that you have only 3 days left to weight....wait!!

It also takes some time to recuperate from constipation. I was very stressed during my episode and that will also lead to fluid retention.
Take heart in the fact that you have done everything you were told to do and that you KNOW you are ready for surgery. Gosh I just realized your surgery is on Thursday. WOW that went fast - well for me at least, I was not living through the hell of pre op diet and I would not want to do that again either. However, you are nearly where you have dreamed of being for soooo long. And just as an off thought, your weight now is very near mine when I had surgery. I am 5'2" and was a portly little lump at the time. I am now feeling thinner than I have in years just 2 short months out so hang on Maggie, you are now getting on the downhill ski run of your journey. You must be so proud of how far you have come and what you have lived through. If not you should be. I am certainly proud of you and heck I don't even know you to see you.
I hope you have a good few last days and that you keep your spirits up. This is it. You are on your way. I will hold your hand (in spirit) until you get through this.
Keeping good thoughts for you,
Ann, you may be right to. It may be fluid biuldup. I have some old lasix here somewhere. I will try to find them and take a couple and see if that helps. And I am constipated again. I am taking benefiber 4 teaspoons a day as directed and taking colace daily and still I think I am getting full again. I sure do miss my daily broccoli.
I don't care about the weight really. I know myself that I am not cheating. I worry about the liver because if it hasn't shrunk, he will send me home.
I am soexcited for you and this Thursday is your big day. I know in my heart that everything will be fine and everythign will go as planned. I am sure your liver will shrink because you are following what you are suppose to be doing I think allot has to do with nerves and worry. Also your liver will still shrink even if you are not loosing the weight but managing not to gain any.
I am rooting for you and things will be just fine. Can't wait to meet you after this is all over.
Take care my dear and think positive...you have to have PMA (positive mental attitude)
I personally think there is too much sugar in the slimfast drink. I would ask what is it specifically that is wrong with the boost diabetic
The only think I could tolerate post op was the strawberry boost diabetic - it was only 15 grams of protein but also only 15 carbs- not sure how much of that was sugar.
I dont know what is the optifast for sugar or the meditrim in comparison.
I know each dr is different but just seems really high on the sugar.
Just me wondering out loud......... I am sure you will be fine and drop some more weight before Thursday but make sure you are questioning them tomorrow- hon my journey before was non stop diarrhea so the opposite - I was like you dizzy and very weak...... it was rough going for me on the optifast.
hugs and know that this too shall pass