7 days from now
Unless, of course, hell opens up and swollows us whole, the sky falls in or I develop a cold. (Or gains weight, but that's unlikely)
I never count on anyhting until it happens. As I said, I was a nurse.......
Live better through chemistry!! LOL
Like Charline said your mind will not be on food - you will be sipping away and saying how much fluid am I supposed to get in- thats so much- all of sudden everything seems in huge proportions.
I am 8 months post op and I am still not hungry! I can promise you that you will not be thinking foooodddd!
My life is no longer about food and cravings- its simply the fuel to make my body run! I dont miss anything and even during that time of the month I dont have carb and chocolate cravings....... its a miracle believe me - I am sure stocks in Hagen Daz have gone down since my surgery! LOL
Hang in there think positive - I believe in the law of attraction !!!
Keep up the great job you are gonna do awesome!
Charline, no I don't think I will ask for a tranquilizer pre op. Caroline said I may be waiting in the O. R. waiting area for 3 hours or more. By then any tranquilizer will have worn off and I don't want to make the job of the anestilogist (?) any harder.
I already have asthma pretty bad and that makes going to sleep a risk. I won't push the envelope. I've had 5 really major surgeries so by comparison this should be a lot easier than they were.
I'll just lie back and read my "Woman's World" mag and dream of all of the regular size clothes I will be able to wear this summer. I've brought along my "Chicken Soup" book for post op reading.
Maybe this summer I'll even get lucky and find a man. Laugh Out Loud. Me with a man would be like a dog chasing a car. Once you caught it, what would you do with it? LOL
By the time I get home, Charline, I'll be able to boost you on your way. I should be home Saturday and you will be 5 days into your meditrim. By the time you are done I will be eating food again.
See, again with the food. LOL
You are having surgery on my bday..... well we all have the right to pick a new bday after WLS - so this year I am looking forward to celebrating Feb 12/09 - cause I don't have to hide in any pictures my family wants to take.
My sister's bday is on June 10th my surgervisary (sp ?) so I thought it would be weird for both of us to be celebrating the same day! LOL
This year I will toast you on Feb 12th- no liquor but a nice chilly protein fruit drink!
I know the fear will be there but the results is what you have to focus on. You will be just fine and although hunger is not gone for good. It will be less and you will have fun trying to identify the diff between hunger and head hunger.
This is not a magic cure, you will still be hungry, still struggle with cravings but the band will help you cope.
I can hardly wait for you and Charline to get over here on this side of surgery. I am nearly as excited as you girls are.
I am having RNY though. Some others wh have had RNY have a honeymoon peroid where they don't get hungry. I am hoping for that and I am hoping not to get dumping too bad. Here's hoping!
I don't know if Deb has that or not. It would be nifty. Can't imagine not wanting food.
Take care for you deserve all your doing for yourself :)
Debb from the Cape :)
I am in a happier place this time around so things shouldn't be quite so stressful ... although keep an eye on how many "!" or freaky emoticons I use come closer to the date! LOLOL

Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader