What kind of work do you do?
I love being able to work from home. If the weather is nasty tomorrow then I will take the day off, work on my websites or make a few phone calls ... or maybe just cuddle with my youngest, lol.
Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader

When we have a meeting during lobster season and you are coming up, let me know your price as I can always freeze the meat to enjoy!
Michelle Clark
Canadian Mom, Tupperware Manager and AVON Leader

I have been a supervisor at a call center in Saint John for over 8 yrs and was an agent on the phones for 2 yrs prior to that. I like the complany, great pay and benefits but looking for something different within the company, something more administrative. I'm tired of being a chearleader for 15 people every day when I feel crappy, its draining. I've often thought that I really want to help kids, like fostering, just not the right time with my health this way. I feel like I have more to offer that sending people on vacations

I am one of the six billing clerks that calculate and produce all the bills for Enbridge Gas New Brunswick. We do everything from setting up the accounts and speaking with the customers to stamping and mailing the bills. I like my job alot. Unfortunately, this will be coming to an end in the next couple of weeks and I'll be moving back to a supervisor roll in the collections department for Enbridge in Ontario. I did this for 2 years before moving to the New Brunswick company. I guess it'll be nice to be back on familiar ground but I'll sure miss working with all the NBers. There is alot of difference.
This is possible because I manage of team of which no one sits in the same country. So...if I am in Lux..and they are in London and India...then I go to Canada and manager from there :)
I end up traveling alot. First and last week of month I am going to and from Canada...this month I have had a week in India and another in London. This Saturday I am back to Canada. Probably sounds pretty exotic..and it is nice...but I would rather be full time in Canada I think. But not a good time to find a job there. So...keeping the Lux gig going!
DS Surgery June 2006, Been fine every since. Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.