OMG we need a new topic !

Penelope G.
on 1/15/09 4:22 am - xxxxx, Canada

Every time I log in, it's the same old stuff.  I'll add one.
I had the worst "stuck" episode ever, today at lunchtime.
It's been happening alot and thought I might need an unfill, but what I need, is to chew better.
I called the office and spoke with Jocelyn and she said it sounds like I do NOT need an unfill, but DO need to chew better.  It was aweful.  I'm ok now, but exhausted. 
Here's what happens in real life.
I went out for lunch and while chatting with my friends my lunch arrived.
It was a salad with chopped up chicken in it.  Chicken isn't the bands best friend to start with.
but when you are talking and not paying attention, it can be your worst enemy.
when I'm at home in my own controlled environment, I seem to focus and chew ok.
but take me out of my comfort zone and give me someone to talk to while eating...nothing but trouble.  My first bite was chicken and it got stuck.  I ate a few more bites but it just kept on piling up.  so I stopped.  I ended up having to excuse myself and go to th washroom.  When this happens the "sliming" is uncontrollable.  I went back to the table but had to excuse myself again.
I even had to leave my money for someone else to pay my bill so I could head back to my office where I could be more comfortable.  I was back and forth to the bathroom 2 or 3 times while waiting for the office to call me back.  After about an hour and a half I was back to normal.  Anyway, I'm on my way home.  I'll report back in later.
remember, chew chew chew.

All you waiters should start practicing.  I thought I had practiced enough, but look at me now !!!!

362/305/250.6/160  (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
on 1/15/09 4:42 am - Canada
Oh my gosh Patsy!  I hope you feel better and I hope it doesn't happen any more.  It must be scary as well as uncomfortable. 

I know I am going to get stuck at some point.  Currently I have little to no restriction but I am still doing all the things I did when practicing before sugery.  I use a baby spoon and fork  both at home and at work.  The 2 times we have gone to a restaurant I have tried to be conscious of the amount I am putting on my fork and I cut everything much smaller than it is when served.  Rinette said feed yourself in quantity and quality like a 2 year old.  So I just look at my plate and think of my grandson who just turned 3 and ask myself could he eat that.  If not, I cut it smaller and remove anything that is more than he could handle to the side of the plate and I am doing fine thus far. 

I do have to say it is sheer willpower that I am not over eating at this point.  At home I weigh and measure and I try very hard to pace myself with my husband.  I was always a fast eater and this has proven to be the hardest thing for me, eating slower and taking my time and so I put my spoon or fork down between each bite no matter what we are talking about and chew and don't talk with my mouth full.  Ha ha.  One day, after my first fill I expect to get stuck but until them I just pretend I have restriction and hope that in doing so, I manage to make good habits.

You have done so well so far, I am sure you will get used to this aspect of the band and make it work for you.  I think of you often and hope you are doing well and that you are managing okay.  

Thanks for posting this, it is good information and it will help not only me but all the waiters.  We need folks like you who have gone before to keep us up to speed on how it all works.  Keep up the good work and keep smiling even if you are sliming - it will all come to a good end I am certain.


maggie L.
on 1/15/09 5:56 am - Willio Grove, Canada

 Patsy, I am so sorry that you've had another sliming episode. Sounds like that would really suck big time. I don't think I could handle that. You are a better woman than I. Isn't this 2 in the past 2 weeks or so?  Were you able to finally get it unstuck? Does your chest and insides hurt like the last time? The last time this happened to you, didn't you have to go on liquids or mushies for a little while?  It must be awful to always have to be so aware  of not only what but how you eat. I will be in the same boat hopefully soon.  Hopefully, after awhile, chew chew will become second nature to you and you will have no more sliming episodes. Feel better. :)

on 1/15/09 6:56 am - New Maryland, Canada
Sounds horrible. I am NOT looking forward to that side effect of the band. Would stickling to soup at a restaurant? Would that help? That is my plan, but I really don't know if  it is a good plan.


on 1/15/09 8:18 am - Canada
I don't think it's a bad idea (unless your restaurant everyday). My friend is the same way as Patsy- it seems every time she goes out she gets stuck. It could be the talking,and like Patsy said, or being out of your comfort zone.

When my friends goes out, she usually goes for the soup, chilli, or something like that. I've been out to eat with her quite a few times, and she's only been stuck once and she had not eaten soup. She was eating chicken.

It's scary, but it's there to be the drill sargeant. When you get stuck, it means you don't chew your food well enough or you are eating to big bites. I'm sure it's annoying to get stuck, but it's a learning curve we all need to pass by.
Penelope G.
on 1/15/09 9:53 am - xxxxx, Canada
yes I have had several in the past few weeks.  Enough is enough.  It makes me so mad when it happens because it's my own one to blame but me.  At the time it hurst so bad you want to rip your stomach out but when it passes it feels like heaven on earth.  i was lucky i was with 2 people who know about my band otherwise it would be awefully embarrassing.  i can't imagine what i'd do.  each time it happens you have to go back on liquids and then mushies so it gets to be adrag when it happens more than once or twice.

I really hate to disclose all my dirty laundry but I really really want to be able to help those of you who are on the waiting list.  it's very very important.  Before the first fill i had no restriction and  you have to rely on willpower alone as Ann can attest.  It seems like that phase you can eat anything in any quantity even though I didn't do that but now, it's much different.  I am very shocked to say the least, that I got restriction on my first fill.  They say it usually takes 2 or 3 fills to get good restriction.  So I am very very lucky.

I feel good tonight.  I hope i don't have to report this again any time soon, but I will if it happens so that you can learn from my huge mistakes.

remember, be like a train...............chew, chew, chew !!!!!

362/305/250.6/160  (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
on 1/16/09 1:06 am

Patsy, I appreciate that you are sharing these episodes with us , it gives me something to think about  & knowledge is freedom.  Thanks for keeping us knowledgable.




on 1/16/09 4:11 am - Canada
Patsy,  I don't feel you are disclosing dirty laundry at all.  You are sharing vital information and that is admirable indeed.  Keep it up. 

Every experience you share is something that someone else will be able to use to help themselves through the process.  I think it is awesome that you told us about this.  I am not looking forward to my first "Stuck" but I think I will be able to handle it because of the information you have shared. 

Thanks so much,

maggie L.
on 1/16/09 5:04 am - Willio Grove, Canada
Yes, I agree with Ann. You are not airing dirty laundry. We are kind of like extended family here and we are concerned when one of the family is hurting. We are all family in as much as we are all either in a similar boat or will be in a similar boat. At least no one blamed you for the stuck (except you). I am sur everyone who has wls experiences this at some point. Nice to be able to come here and tell us what happened. There a a few banders here who know exactly how it feels. Won't find that too often in the real world. Glad you are feling much better.
on 1/16/09 5:50 am - Canada
Thanks so much for the great information and a kind reminder to us "waiters"  I am an inhaler in terms of how fast I eat, also,the quantities I eat.  I tell everyone, it is not the sweets and candy that bother me. I just don't eat anything sweet BUT I eat in lunbejack quantities and most times I vacuum it in. Time for me to make a consorted effort to change this bad habit.
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